
some cool phrase

And now, for the funniest thing this century:

I wonder if there’s any Minute Maid

status: considering scratch ban

status: considering scratch ban evasion

at close to the speed of light

you know i’m starting to think she’s a radio wave, not a bird

instead of staying on the ground you’re flying upwards

Instead of a silly goose you're a goofy duckling

some people say they belong to the streets but i belong to the ponds because i’m a silly goose :3

Jan 31, 2023, 2:47 AM
1 0 0

If you hear anyone say “who asked”, direct them to me. I asked.

i actually hate stupid kids who ask and then say “who asked?”


First there was the population project, then one day I was bored and made a weird remix, then one day someone else was bored and made this studio.

hey does anyone else forget what they’re typing mid-sentence and just write vaguely related terms

an example is when i was (spoilers for baba is you) asking how long the level is auto delays were, the shortest and the longest, but i forgot what i was typing so i thought “hmm so i’m talking about the “auto” word and also it’s baba is you…yeah, i know what to type” and then proceeded to type “auto is you”

what if your username was a filename?

mine could be a makefile, if you named it like this:

p(rtl override)qn.mk

there are other possibilities but they’re less interesting


would be cooler if “cereal” was called “morninggravel”

i had a list of reasons before writing this post but i forgot all of them so just think of them yourself i guess



Another traditional repost! The final score is 6 - 4! @/theawesome98 wins, but that 4 reply score is a bit concerning! Let’s hope whoever the next user is can do better! Tune in next time for “Repost or Reply”!

Jan 27, 2023, 12:02 AM
1 0 1

I’m starting to realize how much more nuanced this was than when I started

Anyway, another win just because! 5 - 4!

i wish jerma was real

I’m happy Jerma isn’t real

A more traditional use for a repost! Finally, a win! 4 - 4!

Another divided one! I have no idea what this post even means! More half points! The score’s 3 - 4!

rest in piss you won't be missed /j

Four. Big. Guys.

Jan 26, 2023, 11:58 PM
1 0 0

Another one that could be a reply! More so than the previous one! The score’s 2.5 - 3.5!

ohhhhh that’s what it was a reference to

love how the tsa nofly list was leaked by a catgirl on her 90s themed web blog

Another repost that could’ve been a reply! I don’t need to read the exact same post thrice in my feed! It’s 2.5 - 2.5!

i need every single item

crimew.shop has some pretty cool clothing