
some cool phrase

This repost is a good example of why the controversy makes it more complicated! Is it satire, or is it just another genuine repost that could be a reply? So I’m just going to give 0.5 points on both halves! 2.5 - 1.5!


please stop making repost chains 🙄

Where did January go wtf

Here we have a repost chain! It’s arguable, but I call it a win! Argue with me if you want, but according to my count, it’s 2 - 1 for @/theawesome98!

remove posts (they encourage you to post bad takes)

remove likes (they encourage biased behavior)

remove comments (they encourage arguing)

remove profiles (they encourage offsite communication in bios)

Remove posts (They encourage bad posts)

remove reposts (it encourages repost chains)

Ooh, here this repost easily could have been a reply! Now the score’s at 1 - 1!

no way

we just added sex to the ex-alpha branch, enjoy

Hello and welcome to “Repost or Reply”, where we fuel the fire of controversy by checking a user’s reposts and seeing if they are good as they are or if they should have been replies instead! Today we’re checking @/theawesome98! Let’s begin!

Here we have a ratio, replies don’t have likes yet so this is a fitting repost! That’s 1 - 0! Great start!


- lily

at this rate following just one person basically gets me every single wasteof post i need to see

would be cooler if “cereal” was called “morninggravel”

i had a list of reasons before writing this post but i forgot all of them so just think of them yourself i guess

i think i’m following too many people, i just scrolled through the same post three separate times

Sing “trousers, trousers, trou.



Network protocols

Programming languages 😎

The only language that works in the vacuum of space is Sign Language.

What a strange room layout! It almost reminds me of an inkblot test. What does this level remind you of?

it reminds me of counting to the number six

hey why didn’t you post this from the TBGs instead

In JavaScript, [] == 0 is true.

In JavaScript, [0] == 0 is also true.

You might assume [] == [0] is true from this.

But no. JavaScript says it's false.

Jan 20, 2023, 11:04 PM
3 1 3

i’m just hoping nobody remembers the last/first one

The oh yeah yeah has found its new masterpeice

oh yeah yeah

the mistake has found its new host

The mistake has found its new ✨MASTERPIECE✨

It’s not a waffle house, it’s a host

I don’t even want to think about what combining the two other major youtube comment spams together with this would even result in