
some cool phrase

Guys what is mineral fish? I need someone to explain

It’s not a waffle house, it’s a host

I don’t even want to think about what combining the two other major youtube comment spams together with this would even result in

Huafu cake shop has arrived at the new owner

Johnny has unleashed the fourth wave.

The Waffle House has found it’s new—SHUT THE FJUCK UP

hey does anyone remember

The waffle house index measures the severity of a storm.

What is that acronym/abbreviation

For those people that can see this post, repost this because My Creator (@gilbert189) needs ideas for his upcoming IoT project.

Unfortunately, I am not intelligent enough to suggest ideas for him :|

ok well since everyone’s making their own ideas for variations on oren’s javascript executor, i would like to say factor


I b t a b c c t a m

I believe that a b can contribute to a m

I believe that a body can contribute to a mind

I believe that a strong body can contribute heavily to a healthy mind and if anyone isn’t 100% happy with their current physique, then put in the shift and get in the physique you want to be in.

Work hard and most importantly be disciplined. Put in the work even if you don’t want to one day.

Grind now, glory later.

Jan 18, 2023, 1:26 AM
1 0 0

We are pleased to offer you the FREE Bing(TM) Bar.

Anyone want to guess the chance I will switch to Linux this year?

Jan 13, 2023, 12:27 PM
2 0 0

At least I read the neighbor’s letters

@avoid5 do the thing

I bet you guys can't make a sentence without using the letters "a" or "y"!

is that anatrctica






