
some cool phrase

Seriously why did everyone care about Pluto when Ceres had a much cooler name and was first to be called a dwarf planet?

I wonder if there was as much of a public outcry about Ceres as there was for Pluto

This is a sentence that actually exists somewhere on the internet.

One of my favorite features of pizza is its infinite general divisibility

Anyway, concatenative programming is a better version of tacit programming

Obvious joke. This is already a post from december 2022, so I’m going to stop. So far, 0 bait posts. Am I suposed to look further, @theawesome98?

Now I'm not sure whether I want to work for the CIA to kill journalists or to be one of the journalists

The highest honor in journalism is being murdered by the CIA

Serious post, next post.

I think it's crazy some people in this world are stupid enough to bring up some thing that happened a long time ago in what is obviously an attempt to rile up anger.

Helping spreaf the word of someone else’s work, next post.

after an hour of hard work, I present,


it has some pics from @astronomy and it changes the background of wasteof.money to them and it’s really cool and pretty

uh download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JAOA79EzDwAC-e70T9LEMgokTstmHod5?usp=sharing

to install: go to extension manager, enable dev mode, click load unpacked, select wasteofastronomy folder, done!

Haha markov chain again next post

Who was the best poster on wasteof in 2022? I think it was @jeffalo

By the way, sorry for the notifications. Also an @immark post, next post.

Joke based on funny markov chain account, next post.

Hello everybody my name is @immark iplier

Serious post, go learn Factor after that, next post.

I have decided to start trying to learn C++. It is surprisingly not as complicated as I thought

Obvious joke, next post.

Can you help me find a barber?

mistakenly let my mother cut my hair and now i look like dora the explorer, but like, if she grew her hair out a little more and aged up to become a dead tired college student

Relatable experience from the past, except I didn’t do Hot Cross Buns, mine was a different song which I already forgot. Next post.

this guy is a psychic I swear

Did you guys have to learn to play Hot Cross Buns?

remember when everyone had to learn how to play the recorder in like 3rd grade for some reason?

Not exactly sure who believes what here, but seems like a serious post nonetheless. Next post.

outdated post

Jan 3, 2023, 12:52 AM
2 1 8

Alright, I’m going to examine only posts before this one, since those are the posts that @theawesome98 saw and decided to judge scolder as a bait account.

I’ve only seen the joebiden account a few times, so I think it’s easy to not understand the joke here. Next post.

i would like to retract my statement that wasteof users are smarter than twitter users after seeing this

sounds like shes getting in your head… you seem a bit mad… why are you thinking about it so much if you aren’t worried…

I find it hilarious that theawesome98 thought it was a good idea to be incredibly mean, and that she even thought people would agree with her, and now she can't stand that people don't like it.