
i have chronic wasting money disease

please breath consciously, like this post to spite others <3!!

ok i am going to stop using the “💀

dont we all 💀

kinda wish i spent my spring break more effectively lol

yeah! whenever i see a really big enclosed space like an auditorium, i always imagine myself just grabbing a book, flying up there and chilling.

I know it sounds childish but I think flying would be a super cool power to have. Although, it depends on what kind of flight. If it's invincible/Superman style then for sure, if I have to flap my arms, ehhhhh...

plural systems are cool and all but they break my brain just a little

guys what if everyone on wasteof is an @oren sockpuppet account. what if the 4000 users of this site are all just @oren.

wow very based wow

Hot take: Kanye West can do what the fuck he likes including discriminating people. After all, he made graduation.

petition to catapult him into the center of the sun (like to agree)

its rly cold today - like really really cold and i hate it - i dont know what to do about it - i just wanna get up to like a million degrees and just be warm forever

Apr 6, 2024, 7:52 PM
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most relatable post on this site goddam

the way my mind works sometimes is like- its just rly stupid sometimes - like itll just do random stuff and make up rly dumb reasons for why im feeling a certain way

my mental state is rapidly depreciating

if you stare at a wall for over 3 seconds you start hearing it whisper scary things

pretend i’ve said something special, life changing, even.

what is the verb for posting of wasteof.money? wasting??


hella poetic

Two people were receiving communion through the woods.
Apr 2, 2024, 6:10 AM
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i swear all males that use wasteof will just become trans women with the who constantly use the “:3”. it’s only a matter of time, @jeffalo.

you know what else is a bad game???

(tic tac toe)

Bad game. It's lethal company but poorly designed.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/2881650/Content_Warning/ found this game by landfall (creators of TABS among other things), apparently its free until april fools is over

Apr 1, 2024, 10:53 PM
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whoaaa twitteeerrr