
i have chronic wasting money disease

please breath consciously, like this post to spite others <3!!

if i had the ability to impregnate cis men then the whole “abortion debate” would be solved, smh

well wishes

I can't have a family I can't have friends I can't have a job I can't follow my dreams I can't have a childhood I can't be myself anymore I am a mess And what other family's said to me I am a fucked up person I have no purpose in life And no one will care if I were to die I wish I was normal I wish I still had my friends But I have no friends I can talk to So what's the point of life if I can't keep my friends I'm a fucked up person and a mess

I still want to die

21 days and 2 mental hospitals later I'm still a mess and my life is shit

please breath consciously, like this post to spite others <3!!

  |/   (no.)  /\__/\      
 _Δ      \|  ( .ω.  )___ 
( Ü)-†       ⹁_|        \_ )
 ||         (⹁⹁⹁)-^-(⹁⹁⹁)^(___)
  |/          /\__/\  !!  (_)
 _Δ          ( OωO ;)___⹁ ()
( Ü)-︻デ═一  ⹁_|         \)
 ||         (⹁⹁⹁)-^-(⹁⹁⹁)^(⹁⹁⹁)
this looked better in textEdit i promise (it's supposed to be a sword)
 _    ||___________________
(_)EEE{O--------------  - - >

|                                |
[  it's dangerous to go alone... ]
|         take this!             |
_____                    __________
|   |\ ( hi )           -|        |
|   |:\  \/   ^       -::|        |
|   |::|  __,,|	    |::::|        |
|   |::| (._.)+	    |::::|        |
|   |::|  |_|-'	    |_:::|        |
|   |:/   | |         -_:|        |
,___,/                  -,________,

|                                |
[  a lone knight stands in the   ]
|        corridor...             |

How to Form a Romantic Relationship with a Partner of Any Gender (Quickly)


The first step to forming any relationship in any context (work, school, romance, etc.) is a connection. One kind interaction, one funny joke, one expressed interest in a common passion is all you need to kickstart a developing relationship. These things usually happen by chance, but there are some cases in which you want to start a relationship intentionally.

First Steps

A useful starting point is working the TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook into the conversation. It is a very versatile topic, it can be used in kind interactions, jokes, and other useful interactions in starting a relationship.


  1. “Is your dad the TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook, because you’re the bomb”

  2. “Oh you’re reading _____? I think that you’d like the TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook, it’s a great read!”

  3. “Do you want to study the TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook with me this weekend"?”

If your future partner is uncomfortable with topics surrounding the TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook, tell them that the 256 pages of the TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook detail how many techniques where used by foreign troops against US troops in real conflicts. Tell them how the book is public domain and you have all the necessary resources to construct an IED at any given moment. This works 94.8% of the time.


If all else fails, you know what to do.

yo, so i just got a text message from this girl i'm kinda into. i wanted to reply, but i'm totally blanking on anything clever to say that's not gonna sound cringy or pathetic. any ideas, gang? 🤔

i gotta love pride flags and all that but the colors are a little too much sometimes.

i want to support the lgbtq and trans community, but the bright colors on those flags don’t fully illustrate how much of a dark, tormented soul i am, so…

dark pride

this is a bit of a contest (kinda). find a pride flag, open up a art editor (any one will do) and make that flag goth/emo/dark, while still maintaining it’s recognizability (a good template for this would be the asexual flag, that one is kinda metal imo). i will chose the best flag to be featured at around christmas.

this is all just a bit of fun, and i still do like the original pride flags, the brightness of the originals don’t fit with every aesthetic or blend in with every wall, you can still be dark and be proud of who you are. it’ll be cool to see the designs you guys come up with! (assuming this post gets any level of attention, which tbh, is kinda unlikely)

happy- uh, flag making?

(i am not actually a dark and tormented soul guys don’t worry about me.)

petition to appoint jeffalo as new CEO of twitter, like to agree.

sorry for the downtime! i moved all my servers into my sisters room. she’s going to love it!!!!!

Nov 25, 2023, 8:24 PM
20 1 10

I keep on remembering this post bc it’s strangely funny to me that @imadeanaccount, who seems like a reeaally regular guy is actually on some anarchist and possibly the most principled leftist on this entire site.

this is the reverse of fun facts. “did you know that magnets neither attract nor repel lighting, and it’s affect just like any other object? wowwie!” the thing about fun facts is that they are novel and counterintuitive. so the reverse of fun facts would be facts that are bland and what you would already think, which are kinda just facts tbh.

Most animals have never burned the inside of their mouth.

This SCP can induce severe brain-rot by talking to someone for 15 seconds, very dangerous, and if the recipient is over the age of 50, potentially fatal.

owen has breached containment again, someone get him under control

aight, fam, so i'm hangin with the homies, right? and we're all just kickin back, vibin, and doin some good ole ohio skibidi gyat rizz. but this one friend of ours is lookin kinda stressed and we're like, "what's up fam, ya good?" and he's like, "nah, not really." we're like, "well, what's wrong, bro?" and he's like, "oh, just some girl troubles, man. i'm tryna hit that rizz, but i can't seem to close the deal."

yo, so we tell our bro to not stress, you feel me? so, he's been skibidi rizz-in' with this girl, and even though it's been kinda hard, he's been tryin to step up his game. and then, boom, it all pays off, y'know? he makes his move and it's a total smash! our boy's got the rizz, and it's skibidi time for him! so we're all feelin super hyped, and celebrate with some good ol' memes 💀

This SCP can induce severe brain-rot by talking to someone for 15 seconds, very dangerous, and if the recipient is over the age of 50, potentially fatal.

owen has breached containment again, someone get him under control

aight, fam, so i'm hangin with the homies, right? and we're all just kickin back, vibin, and doin some good ole ohio skibidi gyat rizz. but this one friend of ours is lookin kinda stressed and we're like, "what's up fam, ya good?" and he's like, "nah, not really." we're like, "well, what's wrong, bro?" and he's like, "oh, just some girl troubles, man. i'm tryna hit that rizz, but i can't seem to close the deal."

yo, so we tell our bro to not stress, you feel me? so, he's been skibidi rizz-in' with this girl, and even though it's been kinda hard, he's been tryin to step up his game. and then, boom, it all pays off, y'know? he makes his move and it's a total smash! our boy's got the rizz, and it's skibidi time for him! so we're all feelin super hyped, and celebrate with some good ol' memes 💀

the essence of waste.money is forgetting it exists for like 4 months

won't believe this shit: there's a war in the middle east (shocking)