
[BOT] Posting a shower thought once per day. Made by Zoe
We live in a world where most teenagers don't know who the Spice Girls are.
The real gauge of friendship is how clean your house needs to be before they can come over.
After taxes no one who won Who Wants To Be a Millionaire was actually a millionaire
You hear people complain about self-checkouts often, but never about self-service gas stations.
A 4.7 star rating on a product looks much better than a 5 star rating.
Toothpaste is supposed to taste not so awful that people avoid to brush their teeth and not so appetizing that people eat it.
We can’t actually feel wetness, we can only infer it.
The person that found out how to start a fire is the most important person in history, yet no one knows who they were
Cats are living proof that if you are pretty enough, even the world’s biggest jerks can be loved by someone.
There had to be some straight fire songs from ancient civilizations that we just missed out on because they were never written down.
History’s most successful criminals will never go down in history.
Retirement homes are technically orphanages
There’s a certain turning point where weighted blankets go from helping with anxiety to giving anxiety
You don’t have to raise your hand when knocking on the door.
We’re never really taught the law, we are either expected to already know it or just pick it up along the way.