
that beta test badge has been here almost as long as i've been using wasteof....

i’m a person that does things like drawing comics, writing code, and also tons of other things that i’d hit the character limit if i tried to explain.



Jan 24, 2022, 6:09 PM
2 0 1

my new computer arrives this weekend

the school intercom system makes anything that comes through it induce ear-bleeding

one comment = one duckduckgo

One like=one google

Currently using bing 😞

my downloads folder is complete weirdness

i hate putting on screen protectors

as is mine

My birthday is nearing

i don’t like songs that have lyrics

I'm going to explain why I'm getting a two-year-old machine instead of buying new: I don't have very much money. Almost all of money is going towards savings, and what I do have for spending would not get me very far in the world of new computers. My new phone was gotten by trading in my old one, but since there is no trade program for computers (and definitely not for one as old as my current one), I will buy used machines. In fact, my current one was used and was manufactured in 2013 and came with Windows 8.1 (which is very underrated, mind you). I just wanted a system that could basically do programming, making comics, lurking on internet forums, watching YouTube, and playing Minecraft and Baba Is You. I also wanted to stick with the OS I am also currently using, Manjaro MATE Edition (but also capable of running Windows 10 because some games are not compatible with Linux and other programming-related things)

well, not exactly “new”, it’s a used one from 2020 lol

yay i am getting a new computer

Sep 29, 2022, 11:34 PM
3 0 1

well, not exactly “new”, it’s a used one from 2020 lol

yay i am getting a new computer

yay i am getting a new computer

scratchdb is down again….


Can we all agree that crypto and nfts are incredibly stupid


I got banned from Scratch again. Wow