
https://toaks.sparkshell.sh/ Um, what the sigma? Official treasurer of the Crack house.Straight White Male. Pacific Time Zone

Damn really cured my depression by being happy

This sounds unbelievably stupid but it's amazing to realize the amount of power you have over how other people feel, especially for being happy. It's become so standard to close up and just talk negatively about yourself that you may not realize how easily you can make someone else's day good.

Hello earthlings! In case you have been worried about silence on our end, there is indeed a major update tomorrow.

Can someone find me a tutorial for infinite rice pudding on YouTube thanks

"I like pretty much all music" mfs when country music comes on (can relate):


I agree with both of these posts except for the barbeque in the second and blue cheese in the first. Hear me out when I say mid on barbeque and -1 social credit on blue cheese

Hot take: buffalo wings are complete trash (BBQ better in every format) and blue cheese is an abomination. Combining them is rank

Top 3 foods of all time:

  1. Buffalo wings with blue cheese

  2. Sushi

  3. Any type of Italian food (except if it has pesto)

Jul 13, 2023, 3:45 PM
8 3 3

I'm using threads to promote wasteof.money

Anyway when is wasteif.money (the platform for philosophy) releasing?

I'm ok

For the first time, putting in the work for my teeth has paid off

Dentist appointment today

Place your bets on how bad my teeth are bc I always have bad things even though I always do oral hygiene correctly

Dentist appointment today

Place your bets on how bad my teeth are bc I always have bad things even though I always do oral hygiene correctly

Counterpoint: humans live our lives linearly, meaning we flow on one point forwards through time. We live in the present, but that doesn't mean the past and future don't exist. They simply seem like ideas or memories because we have no other way of perceiving time.

It’s crazy to think the past and future don’t actually exist. They’re only ever a memory or an idea.

I should post

The masculine urge to exercise because you are sad

Unrelated I just ran 5k after an hour of jiu jitsu

Thinking about the one dishwasher soap commercial that opens with two old people sitting on a couch and one of them says "we do it every night" with no context

Ok guys poll time

What shape for watermelon is the best? I think it's the triangle slices 😋

i like watermelon



Ok actually what is a ratio what does it mean I am so confused at this website because I can't scroll for 5 minutes without a ratio

Ok actually what is a ratio what does it mean I am so confused at this website because I can't scroll for 5 minutes without a ratio