
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

fun fact: i have eaten zero (0) grilled cheese in the past three (3) days, and did not post regarding grilled cheese ereyesterday or yesterday

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese


in the 10 hours I've been awake today i've eaten 3 cornflakes and half of a chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel

fun fact: i ate zero (0) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese

Here's my semi-irregular political post, this time to remind you that, in the US, slavery is legal in prisons.

“i was not lollygagging in the bathroom; i ate 30 potatoes“

literally 1984

my posts got deleted 😔

can we not fool around like the fools we are anymore?

fun fact: i ate three (3) grilled cheese today

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese

is there a different terms for when the source code is ppen to being read but not edited vs when it is open to being both read and edited? is former even a thing to any significant extent?

i just realized that the @/lilypad account has existed longer than this one