
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

Damn really cured my depression by being happy

This sounds unbelievably stupid but it's amazing to realize the amount of power you have over how other people feel, especially for being happy. It's become so standard to close up and just talk negatively about yourself that you may not realize how easily you can make someone else's day good.

so real

Letters of the alphabet ranked in how close they are to the top of the keyboard (tiebreaker is how close they are to the left of the keyboard):

  1. q

  2. w

  3. e

  4. r

  5. t

  6. y

  7. u

  8. i

  9. o

  10. p

  11. a

  12. s

  13. d

  14. f

  15. g

  16. h

  17. j

  18. k

  19. l

  20. z

  21. x

  22. c

  23. v

  24. b

  25. n

  26. m


Also, are gears wheels?

cyberpunking my 2077

You won't believe what I can post random gibberish every two hours for no reason challenge

if you get mixed up in Orion's belt are three supported image hosts on wasteof:

but you can probably figure out how lightning works, but then it struck me.


We are 75.14% through the year 2024.

imagine being the mf who was just born who's grandparents are tony hawk and kurt cobain like seriously this kid might be the 90s in human form

history and physics midterms is today 🥶

the kid next to me in french is playing roblox 💀

tfw you accidentally drop your gym teacher’s dryer ball in the Chesapeake Bay

sore es biramuai!!!

Oct 1, 2024, 9:38 PM
2 0 0

zlf moment


British government blowing up rn


When I came to life, so I should start selling tickets?

so real



Hi guys. How is everyone doing today?

Combining 5 with 1 is difficult on its own, so plus 25? No. I will not. I just won’t.

@avoid5 do the thing

I bet you guys can't make a sentence without using the letters "a" or "y"!