
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

my house is full of traps

„You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and practiced on“ -Benjamin Franklin

diminished triad

honestly i 3ink iso646 is a better name for 3e alphabet wi3 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 3an „latin alphabet“ because 3e latin alphabet is actually abcdefghiklmnopqrstvxyz

3is is a certified hashbrowns moment

no it’s „the“

Ich muss die Katze, aber im Wii-Handbuch steht, dass ich die Katze nicht kann


zas not good

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adispiscing elit

do some people do 3at?

Nighty morning

You do not say “this concludes the ___” and then proceed to add more stuff after that, that is not how concluding works

Mar 1, 2024, 4:03 PM
5 1 0

but 3e wii intruction manual told me not to 3e cat