
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org















i am going to kill your family :D

and 3e cops won’t believe you when you say it was me xD

3is is not a joke; i know where you are (ehe~!)

you can run, but you won’t get far ;D

i’m going to tear your family apart 💠

i’ll go to great leng3s do demolish your heart ❤

i get closer and closer, every single day 🔪

to taking every3ing 3at you love away! 😲

/lyr /j

one time i heard someone called 3e lorem ipsum text „enchanting table language“

lorum ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit

adfljs fad jjd adlj jafdaj kajs

i 3ink it is unfortunate 3at english switched to 3e short scale for googology

expired earth hit 3e same

fresh air hits different


i can’t find 3em >:(

hm, i need new clo3es, and yk what 3at means,

i am going to 3e soup store!

[removed by scratch team]

you absolute cumulonimbus

that’s an exciting cloud i would take it as a compliment more than anything

i should start using cumulonimbus as an insult

(sounds kinda like nimwit)

i should start using cumulonimbus as an insult

(sounds kinda like nimwit)