
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

i really should do this

I have just realized how horrifyingly over reliant I am on recommendation algorithms.

a very large amount of the stuff I see online is spoon fed to me (youtube, tumblr, roblox, etc.) and my only input is whether I like it or dislike it.

its so bad that I actually get nervous whenever I go to genuinely search for something, which in turn has made me quite bad at it.

to put it into a metaphor, I have not been surfing the web, I have been sitting on a tram with tinted windows through the web.

so I’m deciding that I’m going to try and drastically limit the amount of algorithmic content I view, while staying on the internet. luckily for you all, wasteof proudly does not have a recommendation algorithm so I won’t be leaving, potentially I’ll even become more active on here.

I have no idea how long I’ll impose this on myself, but I might keep yall updated.

Jul 25, 2024, 12:53 AM
12 1 1

oh also vote Sanders 2024


as Randal Munroe once said:

“a BA in communications guarantees that you’ll achieve… a little less than if you learned to underwater basket-weave“

accidentally walked into the wrong class on the first day. turns out i'm not enrolled in underwater basket weaving after all

Linux, macOS, and non-CrowdStrike Windows users rn during the global IT outage


Alchol is you

car is door

car keys is key

house is win

the thing with alcohol is the more you drink the more you the thing anout alchol is you


the turquoise color that jan Misali uses is #008472, and the number 8472 shows up a lot in his earlier youtube stuff

very coherent for a markov post

Thank you, anonymous Apple developer

I hate sideways scrollbars on websites.

me when i realize that html hotpink is #FF69B4 and not #FF00FF


i have to SPEAK to people to MAKE FRIENDS?!?!?

as someone who doesn’t have arachnaphobia, i have never seen a spider in the shower

as a person with arachnophobia, i emphasize

why the hell do spiders seem to just spawn in the bathroom right when you try to take a shower

Although the Barbie movie was good I hate the trend of corporate propaganda in the form of movies. There was a pop-tart one that I saw and it annoys me a lot because all it's trying to do is say "we're a cool brand! Buy our products :D!!!"

I still think about the Barbie film every now and then, subverted my expectations and it was really enjoyable.