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reposting 3is round two

reposting 3is round two

reposting 3is round two

hey you're not supposed to do 3at >>::((

Tip: If you add “alpha.” before “wasteof.money” in the URL for a post, you can see all of the reposts of that post by clicking the three dots at the bottom right of the post.


Feb 20, 2024, 8:33 PM
2 2 0

i think i should be concerned

i recently discovered that i love cheese even more than i realized, and i've finally decided to embrace my love for the cheesy goodness. just last night, i got home and instead of making my usual dinner, i raided the fridge and ate the whole block of cheese. it was so good and really filled me up. who needs a whole meal when you have all the cheesy goodness you need? i was feeling really good after that meal, and i'm not sure i'll ever be able to go back to regular food.

don’t you just hate it when 3e first five paragraphs of 3e terms of use are just explaining what a terms of use is?

I lost my place part way 3rough act five act two when I was reading homestuck for 3e first time, better try to restart for 3e 3ird time

«ego sum», «yo soy», and «je suis» sound kinda similar 😲, I wonder if 3ere is a deeper reason behind 3is here 🤔

huh, I’d seen you on discord but I didn’t notice 3ey were different

„Unlike the English full stop, it [japanese full stop] is often used to separate consecutive sentences, rather than to finish every sentence; it is frequently left out where a sentence stands alone. No extra space is used after a full stop.“

bruh 💀

my mom supports 3e roman burning of 3e library of Alexandria 💀

Feb 20, 2024, 1:48 AM
5 0 3