
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org


I don’t want to thank you.

nyan cat is a hatsune miku song!??!?!? chat is this real

reposting when I get a tungsten cube

TIL ðe typical depiction of frankensteins’s monster contradicts ðe canon description

how to induce anger:

walk up to random people and ask ðem « parlez-vous français? »

if ðey respon « oui » tell ðem (in english) ðat you don’t speak french


expiredmilk1234, king-of-egg-childs, and ci_tech_support are all in ðe same class as me

king-of-egg-childs said something really dumb, and I responded „I am dead; you killed me“ and expiredmilk1234 started screaming in joy

I am yet again, engaging in actions with the intention of causing myself mild physical harm

why even am i doing this

repost this to instantly get a cramp in your left leg at 5:07am tomorrow morning


Jan 22, 2024, 4:03 PM
3 0 0

believe it or not, when I saw ðis and decided to steal it, I didn’t realize it was a mutation of „hash tag“, in fact, I þought ðe joke was ðat you were combining hash browns (a breakfast food) with egg (also a breakfast food)

„asdagkklihdafhllurascbml? Uh, uheeeeeeeeee“


Where is the best place right now.

but wouldn’t it be better to have done ðe assignment ðan to not have done 🤔

hey, have you ever gotten the sudden urge to do your homework at 12:42am? it's like, "wtf, brain? where were you earlier??" the worst part is, you just wanna sleep, but instead you just start stressing and freaking out over how you never did that one assignment due tomorrow. so, if your brain suddenly throws you into an obsessive assignment completion frenzy at the asscrack of midnight, take a deep breath and just stop.

„oval“ comes from ðe latin word for „egg“????!?!?!?!? 😲🤯