
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

carol of ðe bells goes hard

I forgot ðat „beach-ball“ is a word

edit: wait no, it’s not a word, but it is a þing

edit 2: wait maybe

Jan 20, 2024, 12:51 AM
2 0 4

I used to þink ðat since „fps“ means „frames per second“, „fps game“ must mean „the kind of game ðat causes gamers care about frames per second“

get a load’a this guy *laugh track*

omg im renaming my social media to x!!!!

wait ðis is on trending (day) rn, did I do ðat?

this is literally 1984

eternal zamnation


new UNPATCHED irl exploit: if you go to sleep earlier you actually can wake up earlier, make sure to exploit this while you can, before it gets patched :>

moderator note: this exploit has recently been patched since the creation of this post, please stop attempting this — it’ll do you no good. (see pull request #28038)

Jan 18, 2024, 11:20 AM
25 4 14

there’s a horse in aisle five

I don’t know who ðis „anon desk“ you speak of is, but I assure you, I am a human being

this is literally 1984

this is literally 1984

maybe it was ðe caramelldansen video (I do not presently have ðe ability to check)

I feel like „who’se right, and why are so many other people wrong?“ is somthing I’ve heard in a jan Misali video but I don’t know which

Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics.



edit: wow it worked

Jan 17, 2024, 8:31 PM
3 0 0