mi waso li sona selo li e poki telo utala sinpin lanpan en sike suli
Top 5 things I semi-specifically hate:
Modern business practices
The United States's medical and school systems
Bonus thing: money
the military industrial complex ends when somebody learns to become one wiþ ðe macarena
ðis isn’t someþing I’ve actually said but I was talking to myself in my head and I þought of ðe following
Person 1: hey, this thing you said earlier, can you elaborate on that?
Person 2: it would go against ðe original intent of ðat message to respond to your question with a message the primary purpose of which was to be „helpful“, so no.
unironically based
Shoutout to whoever was flying a trans flag over florida.
pretty sure ðe phrase „I will be there in a jiffy“ predates ðe definition of 0.01 seconds.
let’s get ðe second post in ðis chain more liked ðan ðe first one
I used to have a super polarized opinion about wheðer or not water was to be considered wet, but I don’t remember what side I was on.
is ðere a different term for when you can see ðe source code and can edit it vs when you can see it but can’t edit it? or are ðey boþ called „open source”
also merry chirstmas