question for beta users

do you prefer the way posts work on production (entire post is a link to comments page), or the way they work on beta (only time and comment count is link to comments page)?


Imo, the beta version

I prefer the way posts work in beta.

Like production but if you click a link in the post it’ll go to the link

Production. When I want to see a post comments, I just want to click on the post to go there. Not searching for the timestamp and clicking that

i prefer the entire post as a link to the comments page.

Most people are going on about links and I agree.

beta is alot better IMO, especially on mobile (nobody likes confusing nested links)

Its always driven me nuts that if you click on a link in a post it takes you to the post, not to the link. That's why I like the beta better

On desktop i prefer the beta version but on mobile the prod version is better

Personally I prefer the current production method. It makes a lot more sense imo, and you can always just use a stopPropogation to fix the problems with links.

Production is more convenient and intuitive, but I could see the beta version being more appealing for richer posts with links and such

in my opinion, the beta version

what the hell David that’s weird

na because you can just click on the link

or just not care where you click