
Harder, better, faster, stronger

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

A good conversation that one was.

Holiday cancelled due to air traffic control issues in UK meaning flights cancelled 😒

had to pull down the report trigger after this disgusting post.

Tone tags always come in clutch.

The residents of Tomato Town need your help identifying two suspects who were about to get down while involved in an event on Monday evening. Ten people were eliminated, and the two suspects, one injured, left the scene headed Southbound and were later spotted at a local park. The two suspects were armed with golden scar ARs and were “hitting that chug jug” as several witnesses stated. Please alert local Tomato Town authorities with any information regarding the duo.

For now though, F in the chat for Tomato Town.

Don’t know who/if people did GCSEs this year but if so well done for completing high school! Hope you got the results you wanted and if not it’s not the end of the world, remember 4 is a pass and above 4 is still a strong pass!

Also good luck if you go on college or do A levels/T levels/Apprenticeships!

Aug 24, 2023, 6:10 PM
5 0 0

Hot Take: I don’t like/recommend liking your own posts but it’s fine if it’s others choice to like their own post, but only liking your own posts and no one else’s is extremely petty/arrogant. Same goes for following no users apart from yourself if you do.

Like, it’s fine to give social actions to others!

got a load of stupid GWDFI comments on my computer… shall I make a new account for it or post them here?

To this day I always remember Khan for the groundbreaking advice.

BREAKING: Scratch have laid off a bunch of employees, as stated in this video by ex employee @cardboardbee on Scratch: https://youtube.com/shorts/46B6EX3N1So?feature=share

Very interesting and not sure if it’s a positive or negative.

MrBeast when he finds out American territories (American Samoa and Guam) are not countries:

Like love the video but get your geography right

Lads, it’s false. Community notes got it completely wrong. It basically just says “bad users should be banned”, it doesn’t say about blocking.



Stalkers and Paedos when they find out on this another abysmal and unnecessary change:

twitter is removing the ability to block users. they want to be wasteof so bad

Aug 18, 2023, 5:50 PM
6 2 0
Aug 18, 2023, 9:45 PM
5 1 4



Stalkers and Paedos when they find out on this another abysmal and unnecessary change:

twitter is removing the ability to block users. they want to be wasteof so bad

Aug 18, 2023, 5:50 PM
6 2 0
Aug 18, 2023, 9:45 PM
5 1 4

Stalkers and Paedos when they find out on this another abysmal and unnecessary change:

twitter is removing the ability to block users. they want to be wasteof so bad

Aug 18, 2023, 5:50 PM
6 2 0

Dertermenter to wasteof Beta, here we go! Documents have been checked today and finalised for the wasteof user on a lifetime contract.

Jeffalo agreed a package deal in exchange, including a tolberone. Parcel has been shipped from England.