My teams pitcher hit a kid with a baseball. And after the dust settled, he said “Should I hit this next kid as well”. AND HE FREAKING DID IT (i think it was an accident lol)
Bro got banned from pitching after that
Fun tech fact:
Those “bars” don’t mean service speed. They represent how close you are to the tower distance wise. Quality of service, speed, network traffic, are all not accounted for.
Alright. My WiFi says it’s at 4 bars but it’s acting like it’s at 1
Am I the only one who thought Covid Tests were kind of satisfying??
Guys it’s time for us to all learn German so we can make this be the best swiss social media ever
Auf geht es!
I agree
parsejson response bot_debug {origin: "UK"),{prompt:"write another post in the style of Oren"}, {output:"parsejson response err {response:"ERR ChatGPT 4-0 Credits Expired"}"}
I wonder how many GB it would take to download the entire world (on google maps). So you could go anywhere and be able to navigate to your destination. No matter the location.
One day into my new and fresh 1.21 world. Things are going good, I’m gonna try and find a trial chamber soon.
If you didn’t catch it…. Minecraft just dropped 1.21
Here’s a brief rundown of what they added:
Tricky Trials A twisted path of dungeons, home to the new breeze mob, along with mob spawners that spawn mobs with a progressive level of difficulty. What can I get from them?? You can get the new heavy core, which is used to craft the new weapon, being the mace. You can get wind charges by killing breezes, which when thrown, cause a mini explosion of air, pushing things around. Pots in the structure also drops random ores. You can also get new Armor Trims and music disks. Find a map to these trials by trading with a villager
The armadillo! Yeah, why did people vote for this. When breeding it, it will drop scute, which is used to craft wolf armor. This negates almost all damage until broken. You can find them in savannas.
The mace A new weapon that has a very long cool down, but does more damage the father you fall. (Can one shot the warden) Very broken, as you can see.
The crafter It…. crafts thing, I’ll let the red stone nerds handle that one
Some new painting. I mean, they look pretty cool, so it’s a win ig
That’s pretty much all the important stuff, have fun!
Maybe hot take? I like YouTube playables, it’s basically just high quality mobile games without ads! I understand people might not like them on the homepage, which is understandable. I’m sure there will be a remove YouTube playables extension on the market soon though, if not here already.