
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

Little Girl

Q: i was walking down the street with a friend we had gone to ingland for vacation when i saw a little girl i didnt pay much attention to her so me and my friend crossed the street and i noticed she was crossing the street with me!i glanced at her and looked away when we got to the other side she was gone.so when we came back to cali. i saw her then she was instantly gone bye a blink of an eye! how is this possible ?

A: she was a little ghost girl ho had followed me all the way to cali.

What Occurs More?

Q: What occurs once in a lifetime,twice in a moment but never in your life?

A: 'M'


Q: Congrats! You are the 25th person to open this riddle! You will get a. . . A) Prize B) Money C) Nothing D) An answer

A: If you chose D you were correct! Here is your answer!!!!!

Unknown Death

Q: Two men were in a desert, one injured, and one not. The injured one had something in his backpack, and the other one did not. What happened?

A: The two men jumped off a plane and one was not able to pull his parachute out and fell right straight into the ground while other was able to.


Q: which 11 letter word is often pronounced incorrectly?

A: incorrectly

The Great Outdoors

Q: Up in the the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, there is a modest little log cabin. Inside the cabing is a dead bodu with a bullet wound to the head. The ONLY thing in the cabin aside from the body is a broken pencil. All the windows are shut and all the doors are locked. What was the course of action leading to the man's fate?

A: A hunter was shooting at his game and missed. The owner of thew cabin used the pencil to brace open the window because it would not stay open. The bullet entered the cabin, broke through the pencil, and entered the unsuspecting man's head; closing the window!

Possible And Impossible

Q: What is both possible and impossible at the same time?

A: Impossibility.

What Has

Q: What has two gray legs and two brown legs?

A: An elephant with diaria

Bus Stop

Q: you are driving a bus to sacremento 32 people in all five people get off and seven people get on 3 people get on and 2 get off WHAT COLOR Are THE BUS DRIVERS EYES??


Who's Son Am I?

Q: A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son. Who am I?

A: I'm their daughter.

What Might I Be?

Q: I'm red, yellow, black and white, Fish, flower, bird in flight, I'm underground and in the sky, Finger, hair, heart and eye. What am I?

A: Gold


Q: you can hear me but you can never see me, what am i?

A: a fart

What Always Was?

Q: What always was, yet I can never be?

A: Yesterday

The Toughest Riddle Ever

Q: What smells of fish?

A: A fish.

Can You Guess

Q: can you guess what i am. you always hold me but you cant see me. unly way you can see me is if im looking at me. you use me everyday withought knowing. i hurt with bright lights whcih makes me get bigger. i make water out of thin air but you rub it then its no longer there. when you use me you give me a "stare" but when you dont use me. you dont know im there.

A: your eye balls.