
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

What Am I

Q: i swim,i holar,i can get on peoples nerves other times people watch me and they gather in big herds.what am i.

A: a whale

What Am I?

Q: If you share me you don't have me, but if you have me you haven't shared me. What am I?

A: A secret

Lights And Switches

Q: There are two rooms. One has three lights and the other has three switches. Bob starts out in the room with the switches. He is alone. He can not see the room with the lights. Once he leaves the the switches room, the door closes and locks. How does Bob figure out which light goes to which switch?

A: Bob turns on a light, leaves a light off, and turns on the light for a few minutes and then turns it off. He leaves the room and sees a light on and two of them off. He touches the two lights to see which is warm and which is cool.

Test Your Luck

Q: What is black and white and red all over?

A: A newspaper,It's white with black printing and read when used.


Q: Silver but not silver copper but gold you use it every day but who would know

A: spoon


Q: why is six afraid seven?

A: Because seven eight(eat) nine.


Q: i am here although im not, u can hear me through the trees that rot, i am clear, i am strong, though some days i can really pong!

A: Air

Lotta Legs

Q: What walks on 3 legs when its old? Walks on 4 legs when it is a baby? Walks on 2 legs in between? What am I?

A: A human. ( When they're old they walk with a cane, which is the 3rd leg, and babies crawl, so they're walking with 4 legs. )

What Is It?

Q: I got it in the bush. When I got it, I could not find it. The more I looked for it, the more I couldn't see it. I took it home in my hand because I could not find it. What is it?

A: A splinter

How Do You Get Out Of

Q: how do you get out of a room with no windows, no doors, but only a mirror and a drawer?

A: you look in the mirror you see what you saw, you use the saw to cut the drawer in half then but, the two halves together which make a whole, jump out the hole and your out.

I Dont Know The Title My Boss Told Me The Riddle And I Want To Know Tha Answer

Q: ok there is a plane crash and only 1 survivor. and there are 2 tribes on the island. and one tribe tells the truth the other lies. so he was walking down a path and there was a fork in the road and a native standing their. one way leads him to sure death the other to safty. he can only ask the native 1 question to find out but the thing is he dont know if he is with the truth tribe or the liar tribe. so the question that he ask has to be one that no matter if it is true or false he will know which way to go.

A: i need to know the answer

That Don't Make No Sense At All!

Q: You are in a bricked up room. The only other thing in that room is a table. How do you get out?

A: You scream until your throat is sore (saw), you then use the 'saw' to cut the table in half. Two halves make a whole (hole), then you get out by climbing through the 'hole'

Soccer Players

Q: Why did the coach give his players lighters?

A: they lost all their matches.

What Am I?

Q: I kill everything slowy but i have no mouth or stomach What am i?

A: I am Time

An Animal And A Door

Q: What animal probably likes doors?

A: A dormouse!