
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)


Q: Why did the man punch the fruit?

A: It was written fruitpunch


Q: Sharp as a dagger, clear as glass, if I should fall, you should let me pass.

A: Icicle

Hardest Riddle In The World

Q: I turn polar bears white and i make u cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celeberties look stupid and normal people look like celeberties. I turn pancakes brown and make your chapane bubble. If you sqeeze me, I'll pop. If you look at me, you'll pop

A: dont know the answer. if you know let me know

What Am I?

Q: I am a prisoner trapped and i cant escape but i have glipses of daylight but only when my master is being rude also i am quite long aswell as being slimy my main objective in life is to deal with food. What am I?

A: Tongue

I Am

Q: Riddle me this riddle me that the answer to that is the question to this. Wot am i?

A: I am a riddle!


Q: 2 sons and 2 dads go fishing, at the end of the day they catch 3 fish and ea. eat's only 1. the fish are not divided or cut in any way, they ea. eat a whole fish. How?

A: there's a grandfather, a dad, and a boy. The grandfather is the father of the dad and the dad is the father of the boy. the dad is the son of the grandfather and the boy is the son of the dad.

Exploding Bridge

Q: There is a bomb on a bridge. It will go off in 17 seconds. There are four people on one side of the bridge. It is night time and they only have one flashlight. They need to cross to the other side of the bridge for safety. However, only two people can cross at one time while carrying the flashlight. Every time two people cross, one has to go back with the flashlight and two more can cross and so on until all of them are on the other side before the bomb explodes. One person takes 1 second every time he crosses the bridge once. The second person takes 2 seconds, another takes 5 seconds, and the last person takes 10 seconds to cross. In what order did they have to cross the bridge to survive before the bridge explodes in 17 seconds?

A: The person who takes 1 second to cross the bridge crosses with the person who takes 2 seconds. So two seconds already passed. The 1 second person goes back so now its three seconds that passed. He gives the flashlight to the person who takes 10 seconds and the person who takes 5 seconds to cross. So now its a total of 13 seconds that passed. The person who takes 2 seconds goes back and comes back with the one second person making the total time 17 seconds.

She Will Never Give Birth

Q: Pregnant every time you see her, yet she never will give birth.

A: Full Moon


Q: how many letters are in the alphabet?

A: 11 (t-h-e- a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t


Q: What passes through glass without breaking it?

A: light


Q: a amn is standing in the middle of a street and he has nothing to cover him but he dousnt get a hair on his head wet why

A: he has no hair

Bowling Balls

Q: Where do old bowling balls end up?

A: in the gutter

Lost Items

Q: what can be seen during the day, but is lost in the night?

A: a shadow.....

Murder Or Suicide?

Q: A man was found dead on his bed with blood on his pillow, a broken stick with a mark on it with parts of it under the bed, and a gun on the bed. (Now pay attension to these series of questions) Was it murder or suicide? If murder, who did it and why. If suicide, who provoked him to do it and why?

A: It was suicide. The man was the smallest midgit in the world and his friend was the second smallest midget in the world and they worked at a circus. His friend was jealous of him so he broke a yardstick (note: that was the broken stick on the bed) and marked it at four feet. When his friend measured his height, it looked like he grew making him very depressed which led to killing himself thus making his friend the smallest midget in the world. (Bet you never saw that one coming).

Four Way Stop

Q: Four cars come to a four way stop and they go at the same time causing a fatal crash. Where do you bury the survivors?

A: Nowhere because you can not bry survivors.