
Co-creator of the Mineral Fish fandom, Rain World and No Man's Sky enthusiast, and avid daydreamer

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

My adventure with the family movie library has gone seriously awry. Due to a power outage, the mac mini that hosts the library has shut down, and nobody knows where it’s physically located.

The power is currently out. I’m currently using cellular to use the internet. I’m sure I can get through this day just fine . . . if I can locate the big orange backup battery.

I need technical support. I’m trying to get a movie library being publicly shared by my family to show up on my iPhone. I’ve signed into my Apple ID on TV, but that didn’t fix the problem. Manually transferring the movies from my Mac to my iPhone doesn’t seem to work either. Does anyone know how to get the movies from this library onto my phone somehow?

(14:04:47) ChatBot: Orb_Fish logs into the Chat.
(14:04:50) ChatBot: BridgerFish has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:05:00) Orb_Fish: :+(

POV: your clumsy fingers invent a new text emoji

How do you measure how high-octane a movie is?

I measure the high-octane-ness of movies by how many high heart rate notifications I have after the movie ends.

Two dreams about wasteof.money in a row. Does that say something about me?

❔🟥 Elevator medical building
❔🟥 Nuts To You
⭐️🟨 More dreams about wasteof

(details available on request)

❔⬛️ Vertical recycling bins in a hole
❔🟨 Watching people
❔🟨 Digging for candy

⭐️🟨 Wasteofers host a fashion show
⭐️🟨 Stolen Craiyon creations

(details available on request)

SHOWER THOUGHT: the only thing you can legally steal from a parked car is a child.

Have you ever felt the pain of not having a way to capture a scent? Last night, I found an object that has an interesting odor, and multiple times my brain has just said “oh, just use your phone to-“ before realizing that even in our modern world, with phones being the go-to storage vessels for everything from images to ideas to banana poems, phones can’t store smells.

❔🟥 Going swimming
❔🟥 Dangerously placed gems
⭐️🟥 Hazel
❔🟥 Punching a fish in the mouth
⭐️🟨 Revealing my abandoned Halloween plans
❔🟨 A weird way of consoling someone
⭐️🟨 A conspicuous blue dress

❔🟥 A floaty pink creature in TLoZ:TotK
❔⬛️ Some sort of kidnapping
❔🟨 "Keep your titanium car safe from others with CRUISE CONTROL!"

According to my dreams, if you charge an iPhone 13 mini (my phone) using a charging block made for charging an iPhone 15 Pro, the phone will flip out from the high wattage and blast your local emergency alert siren until you unplug it. Which is absolutely bogus, because an actual iPhone will communicate with its charging block to get the wattage down to a safe level.

Besides, I once charged an iPad Air 2 using a charging block made for a MACBOOK PRO . . .

🖋️🟥 High-wattage iPhone charging

Be aware that Apple decided to hold a last-minute special event at 5pm PT (6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET) tonight. https://www.apple.com/apple-events/

❔⬛️ Going for Cresia Pit Mine
❔🟥 Replaying TloZ:TotK with wild visual bugs
❔🟥 Armchair c********
❔🟥 MCL cross-references

❔🟨 A Dolpinio in the Jewel Kingdom-style game
❔🟨 Shrine
❔⬛️ *Something*-ZERO

Yesterday, I had a sore throat. My parents told me that it was a viral infection, but I have a sinking feeling that I got it from laughing my butt off at a British comedy show the previous day.

That would be the manhole cover that got launched by Operation Plumbbob.

wasn’t there a story somewhere of a manhole cover that like broke the sound barrier or something after it got flung off by a nuclear explosion

Soviet scientists in 1957: we’re only 3 months away from launching our meticulously designed and carefully researched satellite into space! It’s going to be the first man-made object to reach space!

Operation Plumbbob: hold my manhole cover

anything can be a UFO if you throw it fast enough

In theory, you could change the Earth’s rotation speed using reaction wheels built on the poles. The only problem is that these reaction wheels would have to be comparable in mass to the Earth itself, which opens up some problems. Among the ones I can think of:

  • A special motor and axle would have to be made to handle the extreme weight of the wheel.

  • Making an object comparable in mass to the Earth is an obviously difficult task.

  • They could use less mass and get the same result by spinning the wheels faster. However, if they relied too much on the spinning, the wheel might spin so fast that centrifugal force destroys it.

⭐️🟥 Link wearing a giant cherry blossom dress
❗️🟥 Dragon delusions
❔🟥 New "restraint" food/armor property
🖋️🟨 The source of the Like Tongue Forest from the previous dream
❔🟨 Power lines

⭐️🟥 Barehanded cat eye surgery
❔🟨 Doing a "foot lap"

(extra details available on request)