
creature with the disease [wasteof secretary of transportation]



general data:

age: high school (nonspecific to protect identity)
pronouns: he/it
sexuality: probably aroace? maybe?
internal identity is a mess


a bit silly
a bit feral
interests: programming, art, gaming, science

alternative network connections:

  @mefemphetamine: I post the words "breaking bad" on there every day (or at least most of them
  @nihilev: extra weird alt for posting things like mind logs or me succumbing to my terminal brain rot
  @slugcat: Slugcat Rain World
DISCORD: 7vector
PIXILART: 7vector LINK:< https://www.pixilart.com/7vector >
NEOCITIES: LINK:< https://7vector.neocities.org/ >
Jun 3, 2023, 5:22 PM
17 0 11

this site is strange, better than a lot of them, but still kind of strange in how people act on here

strange is better than a lot of things though

synthwave music makes me want to be a dragon and peacefully stare at the horizon

this is genuinely a really cool picture

Shades of Night

How does the sky turn dark at night? In stages, and with different characteristic colors rising from the horizon. The featured image shows, left to right, increasingly late twilight times after sunset in 20 different vertical bands. The picture was taken last month in Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, in the direction opposite the Sun. On the far left is the pre-sunset upper sky. Toward the right, prominent bands include the Belt of Venus, the Blue Band, the Horizon Band, and the Red Band. As the dark shadow of the Earth rises, the colors in these bands are caused by direct sunlight reflecting from air and aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere, multiple reflections sometimes involving a reddened sunset, and refraction. In practice, these bands can be diffuse and hard to discern, and their colors can depend on colors near the setting Sun. Finally, the Sun completely sets and the sky becomes dark. Don't despair -- the whole thing will happen in reverse when the Sun rises again in the morning.

I hope you feel good after getting all of these people to repost your stupid post (idiots)

Clout chasing nobody

I bet you havenโ€™t even read [insert pretentious piece of literature here]

Truly despicable

Feb 27, 2024, 9:38 PM
5 0 2
[internal discussion]
[topic: opinions on Wings of Fire]
[1] the writing isn't that bad but it still sometimes feels too much like a children's book
[2] except when it absolutely doesn't
[1] yeah there can be some pretty violent parts
[1] the plot is quite cheesy sometimes though
[1] I'll admit I did cry a bit at the ending of the 3rd arc [an arc refers to each set of 5 books]
[1] but the endings where "everything's suddenly perfect now" feel a bit too...
[1] optimistic
[1] I mean come on, they're dragons, they are pretty clearly evolved to be an apex predator
[1] there's also the whole issue of how the hell the ecosystem is able to support that many apex predators when they aren't even farming/ranching
[2] yeah but despite all of that we are desperately waiting for the next one
[2] I know there's plenty about the community that we don't really vibe with
[2] but that's just kind of inevitable with any community
[2] I just need to totally obsess over dragons again
[2] I don't even care if I start shipping them, it'd be fun whatever I do
[2] hehhhh.... ):
[1] yeah
[1] Animus magic though
[1] decent for plot but it makes no sense that nobody's completely ruined the world with it
[2] wasn't that the whole 2nd arc though?
[1] yeah, but as far as we can tell the only limitation is that it makes you corrupted with power
[1] there doesn't seem to be any actual limitation to what you can do with it besides not being able to revive the dead
[2] dragon brain rot tho
[1] yes

I was scrolling through the falling down the stairs website (tumblr) and I saw a post about someone having a headcanon that icewings have fur (it also had a drawing) and I now agree with that

On the topic of bedrock content, I really donโ€™t like the overly colorful and saturated visual style that nearly everything in the marketplace uses, it feels way too directed at kids even though the actual demographic contains a lot of older teens and adults as well.

TLDR: I find content in bedrock to be far too โ€œkid-friendlyโ€ with its visual style for my liking

they recently added mods to the Minecraft bedrock shop (they call them add-ons there), itโ€™s nice to see this, but it also looks like the mods are somewhat limited in several ways (visual style, content, etc.), but itโ€™s also still quite new and more is likely to come later.

Feb 27, 2024, 12:13 PM
8 0 2

they recently added mods to the Minecraft bedrock shop (they call them add-ons there), itโ€™s nice to see this, but it also looks like the mods are somewhat limited in several ways (visual style, content, etc.), but itโ€™s also still quite new and more is likely to come later.

roblox: updates and asks if I want to enable voice chat

me: absolutely not, no thank you, text chat is already bad enough, I do not need to hear the gremlins too

doing math homework isnโ€™t fun but when I manage to comprehend a concept really well/elegantly I feel like a thinking god

some of mine:

>:) - feeling chaotic

D:< - how dare you

:P - lol, lmao, Iโ€™m so silly

._. - what

OnO - oh no

<I>M<I> - creature

Feb 26, 2024, 7:54 PM
6 0 1

man I love being a creature

not to be political, but hereโ€™s an overview of current US politics:


If Rain World Downpour (lore) was a book itโ€™d be a banger but also quite depressing


While I donโ€™t care for the music much on twenty one pilotsโ€™ 2021 album Scaled And Icy, the cover with a blue dragon (heโ€™s called Trash btw, never knew that until I looked it up lol) is cool as hell
