
Either a bear or not a bear

How did I do that lol

Typescript can be so smart sometimes, and sometimes it can do this

sometimes very often

i think after i speak sometimes and that’s a problem

Aug 6, 2023, 8:18 PM
3 0 1

I keep forgetting that there are actual countries where the week begins in the middle of the weekend

the english subtitles are german now

Ah, phew! Pretty sure the colors are less saturated now…

this is a dilemma, light mode is light mode but dark mode hurts

I might be switching to light mode lol (even though the colors are all messed up there because dark mode and light mode use the same color pool)

Aug 4, 2023, 8:43 PM
5 1 4

I might be switching to light mode lol (even though the colors are all messed up there because dark mode and light mode use the same color pool)

Aug 4, 2023, 8:43 PM
5 1 4

this is unusual


Food hot take #12: mayonnaise does not go with fries and is one of the worst sauces you can put on them.

Ketchup, Barbecue and even curry sauce are all clear.

How does Bing Translate learn?!

That says “Sliverus (splinter)”.

And another one!

Like, why?! That’s the phrasing wikipedia uses for disambiguations in German! It doesn’t make any sense!

Aug 4, 2023, 8:29 PM
5 0 0

The timing of this message is hilarious

My first GitHub star is my fork of wasteof.plus, so that’s fun

changing my wasteof password to this

Just got a blue screen for the first time ever