
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

I don’t think the government paying off student loan debt is a good idea, because it teaches college students that they can borrow a bunch of money and spend it without consequences. It doesn’t promote a healthy view of debt.

Instead of paying off student loan debt, why don't they make schools charge less?

Instead of paying off student loan debt, why don't they make schools charge less?

T minus 2 days till youth camp starts…

also, one of the people in my group reminded me a lot of @supercash

I was at an engineering camp all week, and the last 2 days we were in teams making a project in a camp-wide competition. My team’s project was pretty mid, I’m ngl.

We finessed our way into winning though. I’m not going to elaborate any more (because we kinda broke the rules), but it was funnnnnny bruh 😂

I was at an engineering camp all week, and the last 2 days we were in teams making a project in a camp-wide competition. My team’s project was pretty mid, I’m ngl.

We finessed our way into winning though. I’m not going to elaborate any more (because we kinda broke the rules), but it was funnnnnny bruh 😂

me: Dang, I ate too much. I gotta slow down for a bit or i’ll get sick

my brain: Here’s a summary of the top 10 most disgusting events you’ve seen in the last 4 days

Damn, why the heck would I post this?? I honestly think I went mentally insane last night. I don’t even agree with what I said 12 hours ago.

bro how on planet earth does this get the same number of likes as this post https://wasteof.money/posts/6495bd89d989fb6e2791564a and this post https://wasteof.money/posts/649c99dab71bc106a9c9ce80

Like, not trying to be self-centered or anything but there’s actually work put into those posts.

edit: I realize it looks self-centered to link to my own posts, but please take my word for it, i’m not trying to be. Also, please don’t comment because I’m not going to respond to you.

edit 2: I was mentally insane when I posted this. please disregard this post

it is a beautiful day and i am a terrible student >:)

Jun 29, 2023, 11:44 PM
6 2 37

Me casually starting 3 wasteof controversies before bed: (insert image of sigma here)

Against my better judgement, I'm going to unfollow @allyz. This is at the urging of the mod team and allyz herself. @jeffalo I'm very sorry for the trouble I've caused 🧡

I just want to give up. It's really hard being constantly disagreed with. But you need me to tell you things you disagree with. You need the negative feedback. And so, I push through the pain.

Ignorance is bliss. Some days, I would like to go back in time and never have any of the controversy every happen.

And yet, it made me better as a person. I now innately understand why and how the internet sucks, and I can try to actively fight against it.

I understand why some people don’t like me for trying to go against the grain, but it’s obviously much better on many levels to do it this way.

I want to make a YouTube video explaining the reasons why the internet sucks, and how I would go about fixing it.

I love how people don’t like anything even remotely logical online. It’s like the internet is tuned against trying to understand all sides of an issue.

It leans very, very heavily towards tribalism. I’ve seen it a lot. It’s because you have a lot of choice about who you associate with, so you usually choose someone who agrees with you.

This tribalism leads to you always thinking that you’re right (because you’re only listening to people who agree with you constantly).

That’s one of the big reasons why i personally try to follow and interact with everyone. I don’t want to be surrounded by yes-men all the time. I need people to disagree with me.

This lack of negative feedback is one of the biggest problems with the internet. And like I said, it comes from the choice you have about who you listen to.

So really, the huge connected network of the internet (which connects billions of people) really leads to less communication between groups, less sharing and debating, and more tribalism.

Instead of hearing from everyone on earth, you only hear from the people you agree with. You just hear from more of them, not less.

Basically, one of the big reasons the internet sucks is because most people choose to only hear from people they agree with.

I want to make a YouTube video explaining the reasons why the internet sucks, and how I would go about fixing it.

I love how people don’t like anything even remotely logical online. It’s like the internet is tuned against trying to understand all sides of an issue.

It leans very, very heavily towards tribalism. I’ve seen it a lot. It’s because you have a lot of choice about who you associate with, so you usually choose someone who agrees with you.

This tribalism leads to you always thinking that you’re right (because you’re only listening to people who agree with you constantly).

That’s one of the big reasons why i personally try to follow and interact with everyone. I don’t want to be surrounded by yes-men all the time. I need people to disagree with me.

This lack of negative feedback is one of the biggest problems with the internet. And like I said, it comes from the choice you have about who you listen to.

So really, the huge connected network of the internet (which connects billions of people) really leads to less communication between groups, less sharing and debating, and more tribalism.

Instead of hearing from everyone on earth, you only hear from the people you agree with. You just hear from more of them, not less.

Basically, one of the big reasons the internet sucks is because most people choose to only hear from people they agree with.

I love how people don’t like anything even remotely logical online. It’s like the internet is tuned against trying to understand all sides of an issue.

It leans very, very heavily towards tribalism. I’ve seen it a lot. It’s because you have a lot of choice about who you associate with, so you usually choose someone who agrees with you.

This tribalism leads to you always thinking that you’re right (because you’re only listening to people who agree with you constantly).

That’s one of the big reasons why i personally try to follow and interact with everyone. I don’t want to be surrounded by yes-men all the time. I need people to disagree with me.

This lack of negative feedback is one of the biggest problems with the internet. And like I said, it comes from the choice you have about who you listen to.

So really, the huge connected network of the internet (which connects billions of people) really leads to less communication between groups, less sharing and debating, and more tribalism.

Instead of hearing from everyone on earth, you only hear from the people you agree with. You just hear from more of them, not less.

Basically, one of the big reasons the internet sucks is because most people choose to only hear from people they agree with.

I love how I can say something online and it sounds super bad. But in real life, I will guarantee could convince every one of you (if you were willing to listen).

I’m extremely limited by the text-only format. In fact, that’s the main reason why I want to make YouTube videos.

bro how on planet earth does this get the same number of likes as this post https://wasteof.money/posts/6495bd89d989fb6e2791564a and this post https://wasteof.money/posts/649c99dab71bc106a9c9ce80

Like, not trying to be self-centered or anything but there’s actually work put into those posts.

edit: I realize it looks self-centered to link to my own posts, but please take my word for it, i’m not trying to be. Also, please don’t comment because I’m not going to respond to you.

edit 2: I was mentally insane when I posted this. please disregard this post

it is a beautiful day and i am a terrible student >:)

Jun 29, 2023, 11:44 PM
6 2 37