
some cool phrase

You used shortcuts to make this? Explain.


I absolutely hate apple shortcuts

Joke uniqueness may be affected but I’m tryna get that working

A SQL statement walks into a bar and sees two tables. It approaches, and asks "may I join you?"

Top 5 numbers on wasteof

I can’t reverse the count, so 1 is actually 5, 2 is actually 4, etc.

  1. 404

    This number is, of course, used on the error page when you go to a page that doesn’t exist. It’s a very useful error code, and lets you know when you’ve went to a wrong page. The reason why it’s not higher up on the list is because it’s not special on wasteof, it’s used for every site.

  2. 1500

    This number is the character limit, and it helps prevent spam, which puts it into the top 5 numbers for sure. However, it’s not very effective against repost chains, which is why it only gets into 4th place.

  3. 84375

    This number is part of @/turtle84375’s username, and is the largest number in someone’s username on wasteof I know of. If you know anyone who has a larger number in their username, please tell me, and I will update this list accordingly. I literally only found out that account existed while writing this post.

  4. 29948225774697949924471167430

    This number is the post ID of the first post on wasteof. Every post has a post ID in hexadecimal, and this is the first post’s ID converted to decimal. Why isn’t this in 1st? What can possibly exceed this? You’ll see.

  5. 4251382748613377394/60466176

    You may be wondering where this number appears on wasteof, but it’s actually not on wasteof. It is wasteof.money itself. “wasteof.money” is the base 36 representation of 4251382748613377394/60466176. What could be a better number on wasteof than wasteof itself?

in China*

Alphabet soup in Japan must be wild

Why have I seen @/ twice now

@jeffalo (or maybe Userscript devs) I just had a feature idea: mutual following/followers on a users page? So if both me and @/banana-rama were following @/wasteof.money it would appear, and the same for followers. maybe as a box above the following/followers pages main list?

Do you still believe that you have made the right decision?

you can now repost other people's posts with your own comment!

this will be sent to your each of your followers feeds, and is treated like a separate post.

press the repost button on any post to get started!

new button?

do it.

i’m doing this but functions available by default in javascript’s window. you cant stop me

Every HTML Tag ranked

  • <!--...--> : comment tag. Kinda boring but useful 7/10

  • <!DOCTYPE> : document type. Useless 2/10

  • <a> : link. One of the best tags ever 10/10

  • <abbr> : underrated 7/10

  • <address> : underrated also 6/10

  • <area> : complex but useful 6/10

  • <article> : underused 7/10

  • <aside> : defines a sidebar. Should have just been css 5/10

  • <audio> : eh idk 6/10

  • <b> : bold. should have been css 5/10

  • <base> : ig it’s useful so ok 7/10

  • <bdi> : one of those elements everyone forgets about. should just be css or smth idk 5/10

  • <bdo> : should just be css bruh 5/10

  • <blockquote> : quote. kinda cool 7/10

  • <body> : 8/10

  • <br> : html go brrrrr 10/10

  • <button> : cool 10/10

  • <canvas> : too complex imo. and it requires javascript 7/10

  • <caption> : another one people forget about. not very useful 6/10

  • <cite> : citation. Seems kinda useless to me 5/10

  • <code> : fun 8/10

  • <col> : a column 7/10

  • <colgroup> : why 5/10

  • <data> : what does this even do?? 5/10

  • <datalist> : bruh just use a dropdown menu 7/10

  • <dd> : why is this needed 5/10

  • <del> : what the heck if text is deleted it should be removed, not kept 3/10

  • <details> : actually underrated. This should be added to wasteof.money 9/10

  • <dfn> : makes no sense whatsoever 2/10

  • <dialog> : I love this one 10/10

  • <div> : useful 9/10

  • <dl> : even less useful than <dd>. 1/10

  • <dt> : bruh why 2/10

  • <em> : wait bruh why not just use <i> 3/10

  • <embed> : use iframe imo 6/10

  • <fieldset> : idk about this one 7/10

  • <figcaption> : why couldn’t they just use the normal caption element? 3/10

  • <figure> : why do you need this? there’s other options they could have done 2/10

  • <footer> : cool and useful 8/10

  • <form> : one of the most useful tags ever 10/10

  • <h1> to <h6> : different levels of headings. I think it should have been css but eh whatever 6.5/10

  • <head> : kinda cool 6/10

  • <header> : the same as <footer> 8/10

  • <hr> : dang that’s actually kinda cool. I didn’t know about it until this. Imma have to use it some 8/10

  • <html> : ok 7/10

  • <i> : italics ok 8/10

  • <iframe> : cool but they added so many restrictions that it’s not as good anymore 7/10

  • <img> : images are great 10/10

  • <input> : cool 8/10

  • <ins> : just like <del>, why in the world is this needed?? 3/10

  • <kbd> : actually kinda cool 7/10

  • <label> : pretty cool but they should have used it for more than just inputs 7/10

  • <legend> : could they not have used <label>???? bruh 3/10

  • <li> : pretty cool 9/10

  • <link> : idk why they needed this but ok 6/10

  • <main> : eh 7/10

  • <map> : complicated 6/10

  • <mark> : highlights are very cool 9/10

  • <marquee> : the king of all html 147/10

  • <meta> : eh 7/10

  • <meter> : this actually looks really cool and underused wow 10/10

  • <nav> : navbar be like 8/10

  • <noscript> : kinda sad that there are still people who don’t use javascript but whatever 6/10

  • <object> : what the heck just use iframe

  • <ol> : not much to say here 7/10

  • <optgroup> : they could have done this another way but eh 8/10

  • <option> : an option in a dropdown list 7/10

  • <output> : what is the use of this?? still it’s pretty cool 8/10

  • <p> : nothing like the classics amirite 9/10

  • <param> : seems like this should just be an attribute 2/10

  • <picture> : that’s actually kinda cool idk 6/10

  • <pre> : eh 7/10

  • <progress> : whoa I didn’t know about this one and it looks really cool 10/10

  • <q> : why not use <blockquote>??? 4/10

  • <rp> : kinda like noscript, just there for compatibility 6/10

  • <rt> : basically it explains East Asian text 7/10

  • <ruby> : I like this one’s name 8/10

  • <s> : strikethrough be like 7/10

  • <samp> : this also looks really cool and underrated 9/10

  • <script> : one of the best tags ever 11/10

  • <section> : why not use a <div>?? 5/10

  • <select> : personally I really like this one. I like dropdown lists 9/10

  • <small> : should have been css but whatever 6/10

  • <source> : why not use the src attribute??

  • <span> : another one that should just be a div

  • <strong> : bold text. but you should just use <b> 4/10

  • <style> : css is hard to use but it makes stuff look cool 7/10

  • <sub> : subscripted text be like 8/10

  • <svg> : kinda cool but a bit hard to use 7/10

  • <table> : an underused element 7/10

  • <tbody> : 6/10

  • <td> : why did they name it “td” for a table cell?? 7/10

  • <template> : I don’t understand this one 5/10

  • <textarea> : pretty cool 8/10

  • <tfoot> : 6/10

  • <th> : header cell in a table 7/10

  • <thead> : 6/10

  • <time> : doesn’t do anything special 7/10

  • <title> : 5/10

  • <tr> : row in a table 7/10

  • <track> : idk tbh 6/10

  • <u> : underline be like 8/10

  • <ul> : unordered list 7/10

  • <var> : math be like 8/10

  • <video> : video is great 10/10

  • <wbr> : when there might be a line break but you’re not quite sure 7/10

This list is a joke

it angers jeffalo

I don't understand the appeal of re-post chains.



haha making repost chains is so FUNNY haha 😒

When’s the last time someome used a wall

and @jeffalo is taking away the repost feature and our lives as well

oh and i still have Ceres

oh yeah well i’m taking everyone’s livers

Well im taking all memes

yeah well im taking all religious locations

time to claim the multiverse

Oct 26, 2022, 2:08 AM
4 0 0

hey @jeffalo don’t post on @radi8’s account, you have your own

please do not make lengthy repost chains.

can i interest you in a Mars mountain?

@jeffalo is going to kill your family for this repost chain


Meanwhile, on Ceres…actually nothing interesting is happening, PkmnQ just made a mountain and abandoned it. He still owns it, though.

Oct 24, 2022, 3:17 AM
3 0 0

i figured it out

hi i’m @as and i don’t know how to log into @pkmnq’s account

ok but is your password the one i said earlier