i’m a person that does things like drawing comics, writing code, and also tons of other things that i’d hit the character limit if i tried to explain.
y e s
who else remembers when @you flamed me for hating linux?
his speech changed me (for the better)
i unironically now use linux for every project i make lmao
food hot take #4: pickles don’t belong in burgers as they are rank, I don’t care if they add “acid” to the burger.
food hot take #4: pickles don’t belong in burgers as they are rank, I don’t care if they add “acid” to the burger.
Am I the only person on wasteof who hasn’t seen the Mario move?
all good on this side :thumbs up since this computer doesn’t have any form of emoji:
ok, guys, ignore the posts arguing with tgp, i was having a bad day, hope you can forgive me. :)
who actually uses the expand from center mode when selecting things in an image editor?
i just got back from a trip
since my computer is a desktop i couldn't bring it, so i used a tablet for my internet activities
now that i'm back, i can use the computer now
for the first 5 minutes using the mouse and keyboard felt weird
like i was just learning but already knew how to use it
any website that gives you pop ups to download some app, use an account, enable desktop notifs or turn off your ad blocker deserve to die
*nods in agreement*
Hot take: Whipped cream is bad. It doesn’t even taste of anything. You’re eating unhealthy for no compensation in the flavour.
Surely people agree with me on this one, or will another ratio come?
happy april fools day
(if you were a scratch former, you’d know)
wasteof4 seems promising
it’s good it’s not deviating much from the existing wasteof3.beta, just adding some more eye candy
maybe we’ll see a new feature that sets it apart-like wom3's profile customization and wom2’s repost feature-in the near future.
the scratch team has made a throwaway subforum for april fools day joke topics
faith in humanity restored by +30