i’m a person that does things like drawing comics, writing code, and also tons of other things that i’d hit the character limit if i tried to explain.
twitter has always sucked
wasteof forever
I was considering switching to twitter but now that elon musk bought it I’m definitely staying on wasteof
12:23:06 PM <+TheGlassPenguin> i remember my s(u)ster stole my phone and took it to her school
12:23:14 PM <+LandonHere> hhhh
12:23:33 PM <+TheGlassPenguin> (it was fun when i triggered the finder feature on the phone)
12:23:37 PM <+craM02029> i dont have a phone
12:23:40 PM <+LandonHere> ok
12:23:53 PM <+TheGlassPenguin> (DING-ning-ning...DING-ning-ning...DING-ning-ning...DING-ning-ning...DING-ning-ning...)
12:24:12 PM <+LandonHere> suster: *starts sweating*
12:24:17 PM <+craM02029> lol
i’m pretty sure this has been asked before, but how many wasteof.money users are there?
actual feedback on the beta:
Everything is really good! I really like the new messages and profile pages (custom links, finally!), and your custom profile color carrying over into other parts of the site (like text colors) is a really nice touch.
My only complaint is the font. I don't really like terminal/courier new. I would really like a way to switch between different fonts.
that's about it
thanks for the invite @jeffalo!
[2022-04-21 13:12:09] <TheGlassPenguin> have you ever revisited something you like when you were y o u n g c h i l d and cringed?
[2022-04-21 13:12:52] <jackybordercollie> y e s
[2022-04-21 13:16:16] <TheGlassPenguin> the nostialgia filter always comes into play when you look back on things you liked as a y o u n g h u m a n, and it comes flying down and crashes on the ground when you actually revisit that thing
(actual constructive feedback coming soon. [or eventually])
yay we can sign into ocular again
also it has one-click sign in now
i found this on an old website and now i’m losing my mind
My website (https://tgp.zya.me) generates 0.11g of CO2 every time someone visits it (according to websitecarbon.com), which is cleaner than 90% of the internet.
i have read the entirety of the first few pages of QaS and Suggestions
i need something to do