
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

i feel like claiming that the internet causes autism or transgenderism or whatever other thing that american conservative don’t like for whatever reason is like saying that canaries cause lung cancer

i think i may be partially responsible for dean leaving

english „can’t“ comes from latin «cantare» real!?!?!?!??!?!?! /j

aw, i’ve heard this advice before, but the fact that you called it „hit[ting] the annoying things in your brain with imaginary bricks“ makes it sound funnier and more preferable

reminder to not hit the annoying things in your brain with imaginary bricks, no matter how mad you are at them, because that tends to just give them more attention and make them worse


unfortunately the bees have gone from raw to medium rare due to global warming


man I sure do love going into roblox and then seeing a bunch of people trying to promote christianity lmao

REPOST CHAINS?! CONTENT WARNINGS?! (cw caps guys) WOKES?! LIBERALS????!???!? what the FUCK guys.

some wasteof users would DIE if they ever even looked at fedi

those darn liberals smfh

the wokes are at it again



🚨 beep 🚨

Like, I’m not saying that everything should have a TW, but who cares if someone does put a trigger warning on something you find to be pointless? The fact that some of you are getting so crazy over someone putting a TW for food is a bit alarming. It literally doesn’t affect you in any way unless that warning contains something that may actually trigger you, in which case it would help you know to avoid that content.

its hilarious but also sad to see how many people get so worked up about trigger warnings

its literally just an accessibility thing, it doesn’t harm anyone, its basically just a content label for words, why are you all so worked up about it.

Mar 21, 2024, 12:15 AM
11 1 26

i 3ink it’s interesting how 3e wikipedia article „List of emoticons“ splits 3em into 3e categories of „Western“ and „Eastern“, wi3 „Eastern“ emoticons beïng unrotated, and „Western“ emoticons beïng rotated 90 degrees

i 3ink it's really funny 3at classical latin is closer to french 3an modern italianate ecclesiastical latin is

wait no fuck

4at i meant is like 3e ending <um> in classical latin is pronounced [ʊ̃], 4ereäs in modern italianate ecclesiastical, it’s pronounced [um], despite 3e claim 3at french is 3e most divergent from latin

Mar 20, 2024, 4:29 PM
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