
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

shoutout to 3e „island“ scale on beepbox.co


This is just one of several dozens of problems I have with this post, but why was it so delayed? You had at least 2 days before today to post this, and you only do this now? And not only that, you could’ve done several other things in that time. You could’ve unfollowed @fir or @zagle, or in my case, since I still thought it was worth seeing at least some of their posts, make the @pkmnq2021, whose secondary purpose was to be a separate feed for @fir and @zagle specifically. You took 2 days to do anything, and that anything was to complain, not to take action and improve your own feed.

i miss the golden days of wasteof. i can't provide an exact pinpoint of when that was, but it was probably during 2022. the thing is that i used to like almost every single post in my feed. that is most certainly not the case anymore. 80% of my feed is filled with bots, repost chains, spam, wars about random stuff, fighting, and more. it's honestly not pleasant at all trying to use wasteof with all that is happening on here. there are people that have made 60 posts in the past two days and have filled 32 pages of posts THIS YEAR alone. i make 60 posts in 2 months. i've been used wasteof for over 2 years on this account and i only have 52 pages of posts. this is not okay, and it needs to stop. along with this, think about it from the perspective of admins/mods. they have to deal with moderating everything i discussed earlier. they have to deal with the spam of accounts created just for the purpose of stat boosting, which against the rules. walk a mile in their shoes. think about them the next time before you start spamming, making repost chains, or really doing anything on here.

best way of ordering 3e seven diatonic modes

  1. lydian ionian mixolydian dorian aeolian phrygian locrian (brightest to darkest)

  2. ionian dorian phrygian lydian mixolydian aeolian locrian (in ascending order of tonic, starting at ionian(major))

  3. aeolian locrian ionian dorian phrygian lydian mixolydian (in ascending order of tonic, starting at aeolian(minor))

  4. some3ing else?

(augmented triad if someone suggests 3at it’s alphabetical, i am going to f-bleeping lose it)

am i actually getting more followers from posting excessively and getting involved in drama? /genq

i 3ought i would be liable to lose followers /srs

i may repost une3ically, but i don’t use alts to follow myself and like my own posts


please stop posting entire paragraph essays on wasteof.money drama (and please stop upvoting them onto trending)

dorian brightness quotient

i personally 3ink imadeanaccount did have a fair point when talking about repost chains, but i don’t 3ink 3e repost count 3ing is as big of a deal

do whatever you want


augmented triad!

Always remember lads that if you don’t like someone’s content on your feed than you can just unfollow them - try your best to get rid of the shitty posts so you can actually enjoy your feed.

This is why I don’t follow loads of users - I follow users if they have good content. Simple as.

i miss the golden days of wasteof. i can't provide an exact pinpoint of when that was, but it was probably during 2022. the thing is that i used to like almost every single post in my feed. that is most certainly not the case anymore. 80% of my feed is filled with bots, repost chains, spam, wars about random stuff, fighting, and more. it's honestly not pleasant at all trying to use wasteof with all that is happening on here. there are people that have made 60 posts in the past two days and have filled 32 pages of posts THIS YEAR alone. i make 60 posts in 2 months. i've been used wasteof for over 2 years on this account and i only have 52 pages of posts. this is not okay, and it needs to stop. along with this, think about it from the perspective of admins/mods. they have to deal with moderating everything i discussed earlier. they have to deal with the spam of accounts created just for the purpose of stat boosting, which against the rules. walk a mile in their shoes. think about them the next time before you start spamming, making repost chains, or really doing anything on here.

breaking: my ankles /j

can we please make 3is 3e least reposted post on 3is site? 3anks

can we please make 3is not 3e most like post on wasteof.money thanks

(jeffalo’s post)

can we please make this the most liked post on wasteof.money thanks

Feb 28, 2024, 7:52 PM
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