
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

typing things without looking at the screen two: electric boogaloo

pizza is tummy

lotrm ipsum dolor sit amet sconsectetur adispiscing elt

cognito ergo sum

bini cidi civo

tenpo ni la, mi toki pona li tok Lasin ala

toki! tenpo sike suno MAMW (DEC2021) la, i kama sona e toki pona

mi sona ala e ijo pi mi weli sitelen e ni

okay im speaking english now

augmented triad

breaking bad

sample tezt sample text sample text sample text sample text sample text sample tex sample text sample text sample text sample text sample tet

i wonder what i was goinh yo say; i just wrote the first two words of this santenct before i decided what else i was going yo put here

okay thats enough fot now

wrtien thinga is fgobetr y iams tyring to tyupw basdly nwo


kljsdas nyornvek


3e one who tumbls (tumblr)

wtf (see edit history)

Feb 27, 2024, 2:17 PM
0 0 0


tetesanta tasanteje kikijete teje

tetesanta tasanteje kikijete jeki

jejeteki jetesanteki jetesanteki kijeta

tetesanta tasanteje kikijete jeki


posting posts about posting posts is amusi-a i just lost 3e game

ajakdjfskdl 3is is only my second post today, i’d better post more

i just lost 3e game

do not google 3e streisand effect


which do you 3ink is better for toki pona solfège

ki je te san ta ka lu ki


to le mi pa so la si to

Feb 27, 2024, 1:13 AM
1 0 4