
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

<magnet> /’mæ.ɲɛt/

<signal> /’sɪ.ɲəl/

(not actually how i pronounce 3ese, 3is is a joke)

yay! identity politics! my favorite! /s

not to be political, but here’s an overview of current US politics:


neopolitan ice cream and 3e neopolitan triad are bo3 independently named after naples italy, but i feel like neopolitan chords could be said, metaphorically, to have multiple flavors, and one might start using „neopolitan“ to mean 3at, instead of „from naples“

i may have accidentally started calming down (posting single digit numbers of posts per day)

Victor Frankenstein’s experiments may have been une3ical, but at least he meant well, and wasn’t just in it for 3e money

wait frankenstein’s monster was named adam

[thing one] is to [thing two] as [thing three] is to [thing four] is one of my favorite sentence templates

[carbon monoxide] from fire. fire from [molecular oxygen]

tags such as ⟨/j⟩ and ⟨/shitpost⟩ evolved from html tags, so ⟨/shitpost⟩ doesn’t mean „the previous sentence was a shitpost“ it means „the shitpost has ended“ /shootpost

why are so many christians like this 💀

(it’s a metaphorical city nitwit /nay)


i refuse to believe these people actually exist.

a lot of classical songs don’t have real names, do 3ey just say 3e composer, 3e type of song, and 3e key, so, for example, bach’s fugue in c, but on 3e piano learning app I use, it sometimes transposes songs into a key wi3 fewer alterations, so you get stuff like „pachelbel’s canon in d (in f)“

3irteen3 post today

my school uses „MS“ and „PDA“ to refer to „middle school“ and „public displays of affection“, but for me, 3e primary association for 3ose initialisms are „microsoft“ and „personal digital assistant“ (may or may not be influenced by homestuck)