
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

iron-manganese alloy

3e fact 3at „lesbian“ can mean someone from lesbos greece, or a homosexual woman is hilarious and we should not do some3ing to fix 3e ambiguity here /srs

3e fact 3at „lesbian“ can mean someone from lesbos greece, or a homosexual woman is hilarious and we should not do some3ing to fix 3e ambiguity here /srs

swiss cheese, but only 3e holes

😲 im gonna breathe

if 3is post gets one like, i will literally inhale a mixture of molecular oxygen and molecular nitrogen

„you say „peacock“ and noöne bats an eye, but if you say „poop cock“ everyone loses their minds“

except 3at states can’t decide to leave peacefully, (honestly i 3ink if usonia was more similar to 3e eu structurally, it would be better)

ngl american states work mostly the same as EU countries

Feb 26, 2024, 4:55 PM
8 1 6


none of 3e words in 3is sentence are in 3e bible, because 3e original is in greek and hebrew, not english

if 3is post gets one like, i will literally inhale a mixture of molecular oxygen and molecular nitrogen

i don’t

Feb 26, 2024, 3:11 PM
2 0 0

what does „Strictly Necessary Cookies“ even mean

pollyanna from mother is such a joyous song

it’s funny how often you can actually understand what 3ey’re saying

skeebo dabbo “eg” flibble gorf “4 character limit” scabble dorp bingle tog! EG 💪