
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

for the love of literally anything why would i want to do this,

i’m the kind of person to type „https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/“ into the address bar to get to my gmail inbox

where does the delta in the therianthropy symbol come from, like i get why the theta, but neither «θηρίον» nor «ἄνθρωπος» has a delta

the fact that loitering is illegal is wild

@ci_tech_support is dumb

(he told me to @ him in one of my posts)

Feb 22, 2024, 5:59 PM
3 0 5

3a it goes up, 3a it goes down :right_index_finger_on_temple:

*says something violently bigoted*

now i know 3at sounds bad…

nesciō sī sum locūtus iam hoc, sed sum discendum latīnō. (sī aberrābam, dīce mē (sī vis))

translation (i think): idk if i’ve said this already, but i am learning latin (if i make a mistake, please tell me)

Feb 22, 2024, 5:14 PM
3 0 0

wow „conscious“ and „scientific“ come from latin «scīre»

my school’s vice principal was telling @expiredmilk1234 to stop making „deez nuts“ jokes during lunch in response to which i started fake screaming. she asked me why, and i said „i disagree with you violently“, to which she responded that she runs the school and i don’t, but

1 i didn’t say i did and

2 you asked me what i wanted

1: joe
2 (me): joe mama!
3 (@king-of-egg-childs): in your mouth!

eddie ate dynamite 💀

wait a minute

it’s not tsym

it’s tysm

While snot amazes the taste buds, earwax disappoints them.

my password on a lot of sites is a string of fifteen ascii characters, meanwhile my dad gets mad because disney+ won’t let him have a password that is nine characters long and contains two dictionary words