
Still a secret.

it's incredibly ironic to me how a Google pixel 9 ad I keep seeing uses I want to break free by queen, considering how the pixel 9 and Google promote tools that are designed to replace human creativity from the equation

2 days ago
10 0 3


Made it to Paris (English edition)

omg it's a trans caravan

was in a store today and whoever had control of the speakers is a legend because they played never gonna give you up and rickrolled EVERYONE in the store lmao

I am in enemy territory. I am in England.

gotta hand it to bluesky, considering the small team over there it's pretty impressive they've been able to keep the service from fully crashing even once from my experience (and also all the work individuals have done to maintain some of the most popular feeds) while watching over a million brazilians flooded the platform when twitter got blocked

the amount of times I'll make a post and have to instantly edit it because I only realise I made a spelling or grammar mistake after I post. this still happens even though I proofread before posting 😭

So The Onion’s new owners have updated the site, moving it over to Wordpress (it’s actually a lot nicer now), but that in turn has broken this bot. Everything else works other than the scraper. Issues seem to be:

  1. The bot goes to https://theonion.com/latest which doesn’t exist anymore, I’d say it’d make sense to have it grab the top headline from the homepage instead since it only posts once a day anyway.

  2. It’s grabbing the wrong link, not sure 100% what it’s doing but it might be grabbing the new link in the top left corner of the website that links to the membership page. I’m sure this can be fixed by just having the scraper go to the article page and grabbing the url.

  3. Article’s publish dates are still there but likely have moved in the HTML structure from what I could gleam using inspect. Likely a simple fix of just telling the scraper where to look. This is likely the same thing that happened to how it grabs the start of an article’s body.

I tried figuring it out myself to try and get the scraper working again, but I have 0 knowledge of Node.js or scrapers. I understand what might be wrong, I think, but I simply don’t know how to code it. I was hoping someone with better knowledge of this stuff would be willing to rewrite that part of the code. It’d be nice to relaunch the bot with a new account, since it the last remnant of imadeanaccount. Plus, I just like this bot honestly. Happy to help if I can.

Code is here: https://github.com/imadeanaccount1/onionbot/

for my aoty rebrand project I had to use Photoshop to create the mockups (I usually use affinity designer and affinity photo) and my god Photoshop is slowest, clunky, and irritating software I've had the displeasure of using, it's mind boggling to me that Adobe gets away with shipping such poor software.

the real reason is jeffalo wanted you to experience what it felt like to have dial up internet

also yes, wasteof (and everything else i host) is currently slow for everyone, for some reason past my modem there’s 50%+ packet loss to the internet. it could be up to a week before we see any improvement.

from what I've heard this list of "vulnerabilities" is inaccurate, but even if it was, wasteof would still be a billion times less bug ridden than twitter lmao


From the tests i have done, there are many vulnerabilities on this website, there are also a lot of bugs. Example: when posting something, if you spam click `post` it will create a post for every time you click the button, there should be an implementation to limit the time between posts and to make the button a one time click. (THIS BUG MAKES THE SITE LAG!). its also a pain to delete all of the posts if you accidentally do so as the site refreshes but will still lag and there is a small chance that the post will not be deleted. There is also a password vulnerability… maybe don’t have the user’s passwords get stored as a plain document.

THERE ARE VULNERABILITIES IN THE REPO!; Yes, even tho the repo is the legacy site and isn’t used anymore it is still good to state the vulnerabilities on the repo as people might use the template to make their own site like this and wont know of the vulnerabilities in the code:

List of the vulnerabilities on the repo: SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), Lack of Input Validation, Insecure, Outdated Dependencies, Lack of Error Handling, Insecure Session Managemen, Storage of Sensitive Data(user and password information: Insecure Password Storage, Weak Password Hashing, Lack of Password Salting, Insecure Password Verification, Missing Password Complexity Requirements, insecure Password Reset Token Generation, insecure Password Storage in Sessions), Lack of Secure Communication… sry <3

crazy that 2020 is 4 years ago now, if you had told me now that it was actually us all collectively having a fever dream I'd probably believe you