+1 (562)-35BLAZE
(+1 (562)-352-5293)
Do not call us, we will not answer the phone. Text us, as we will instead answer those messages instead.
Messages and data rates may apply. RCS and iMessage not supported.
UPDATE: The game will not be available to the public until June 13th at the request of the seller. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Hello Blazers,
We’re working on bringing Blaze to the Apple App Store and we also plan on bringing the app to the Google Play Store as well.
Stay tuned for more information as we prepare the app to go into their respective app stores. Thank you.
Make sure you preorder Eris’s game, Smashing Bros. Ultimate, now available on the eStore for pre-order.
More info on how to sell and distribute your digital game or products on the eStore will be given in the following days/weeks. Thank you.
Ratio (is that your way of trying to gain back followers? because that is actually pathetic and absolutely desperate)
We are proud to announce that eStore is now live on Blaze!
+1 (562)-35BLAZE
(+1 (562)-352-5293)
Do not call us, we will not answer the phone. Text us, as we will instead answer those messages instead.
Messages and data rates may apply. RCS and iMessage not supported.
Same with us.
yeah just to clarify for those wondering - registrations are disabled due to some spam attacks, but you can still use google/github to make your account and then set up a password if you want.
We are excited to announce that COMING SOON, we will be launching the eStore
The eStore is a store where you can buy digital products from anywhere in the world. What kind of digital products, you may ask? Here is a list of everything we plan to sell (more coming soon).
TV Shows
Gift Cards
Subscriptions (more info soon)
Digital Services (more info soon)
Wallpapers (This will be our cheapest product due to wallpapers being easily downloaded for free)
Producer-made beats
Online Courses
And a lot more (coming soon)
This will be live soon, so get ready! If you want to contribute to this, we will also create a form for you to submit your own products to be sold in the eStore. More info will be provided in the following days. Thank you.
Meower is dead. But don’t worry! We have a platform where Meower users can bring their communities together!
It’s available at https://blazeapp.net/
The election results are being hosted now! (we are going to be hosting them early)
Be sure to check back every 5 minutes on this link here: https://blazeapp.net/election
We will also be congratulating whoever wins the election, so good luck out there and if the polls are still open, be sure to vote!