
Still a secret.

this is my friend's dog. his name is alfie. he’s a very good boy.


really cool of jeffalo to buy twitter, it's so much better now because it's exactly like wasteof

what makes music so powerful to me is how it many times is a representation of the artist. music in a lot of ways can be a looking glass into someone's thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams, feelings, their heart, their soul - tragic or joyous, music lets us not just see into the artist's mind, but also allows us to broaden our understanding or feel less alone in how we feel.

that's what makes music like the new mgk and trippie red ep so painful to listen too, it's soulless, it's plastic, manufactured, fake, or whatever else you would describe as the opposite as genuine. treating serious issues like depression as an aesthetic rather than a whole, painful, and difficult place to be mentally. worst ep I've heard this year without a doubt

if you're looking for a album that's full of heart and genuine emotion, javelin by sufjan stevens is a must listen, it's gorgeous.

for those not aware already, this was an april fools joke. thanks to my mods who helped out writing and coming up with some of the questions! also thank you to everyone who took the time to answer my dumb form i made for a joke lol. if you wanna see the answers everyone gave, check out this pdf here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10-77LJgc9jSBDyiBoPkBUmM4FWx5_F11/view?usp=sharing (note the first few responses have empty answers to some questions as they didn’t exist yet when they filled the form out to test it)

Heya, my Discord server ta’s hangout is looking for new mods! If you wanna join the team then please feel free to fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/RUcJGXTQymE3uUfG6

There's no end date, rather we'll just go through the applications until we find enough people who are suitable.

Looking forward to reading your applications!

Apr 2, 2024, 7:38 PM
2 0 2

Heya, my Discord server ta’s hangout is looking for new mods! If you wanna join the team then please feel free to fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/RUcJGXTQymE3uUfG6

There's no end date, rather we'll just go through the applications until we find enough people who are suitable.

Looking forward to reading your applications!


Happy Trans Day of Visibility! 🏳️‍⚧️


Canada.exe (Not Responding)

goodbye, Canada 👋

developers shouldn't be allowed to put no notes for app updates, like "No information from the developer" is useless. you already won i installed your app at least have the courtesy to tell me what you're changing lol

petition to start calling content art again because creativity isn't just a product to be sold

Saw a few posts of people sharing their all-time favourite albums, so here’s some of mine, not an exhaustive list and of course subject to change:

  1. Radiohead - Kid A

  2. Tame Impala - Currents

  3. Porter Robinson - Nurture

  4. Beach House - Once Twice Melody

  5. Radiohead - In Rainbows

  6. twenty one pilots - Trench

  7. Injury Reserve - By the Time I Get to Phoenix

  8. Tame Impala - Lonerism

  9. James Blake - Playing Robots Into Heaven

  10. David Bowie - Blackstar

This list constantly changes but I would say the top one is not moving, it just isn’t, I love that album too much to place it anywhere else but first. Honurable mentions go to IGOR by Tyler, The Creator, A Moon Shaped Pool by Radiohead, Windswept Adan by Ichiko Aoba, and Javelin by Sufjan Stevens.

i'm convinced windows laptops have negative battery capacity. in all my years of being exposed to tons of different windows laptops, i've yet to have a single one that holds a charge for more than a few hours. not a single one could last a day of use. i've used chromebooks that have lasted me weeks on a single charge. the only place i'm using windows is on a desktop so i don't have the thing die on me after having affinity designer open for more than 5 minutes.

Mar 22, 2024, 12:21 AM
11 0 10

Gonna return to posting from tomorrow most likely. I wanted to leave it for a few days to let things settle a bit. Just wanted to let you all know because it would feel weird to me to just post something goofy right after my previous post, so see this as a sorta transition post back to normal stuff.

2 years ago today I joined wasteof on @da-ta and @auriali. I had planned to share a design on @da-ta to celebrate, but I don’t think that would be appropriate for me to do considering what’s happened in regard to Ratio.

What I’ll say is thank you for making me feel welcomed on wasteof, for all the issues we’ve faced it’s been amazing to see the community grow and see how people have come together to help develop this place further. I look forward to the future.

But for now, rest in peace, Ratio. You’ll be missed by many.

Mar 15, 2024, 7:56 PM
15 0 1

I get the sentiment here. TikTok is in a lot of ways dubious. The links to the Chinese government are very scary (even if TikTok was resisting China, it cannot ignore laws that allow the government to access basically all user data), privacy isn’t great either, and poor moderation. However, something not being made clear enough is that the bill currently making its way through the US government titled “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act” isn’t just targeting TikTok, that’s what it is being used for right now, but it allows the president to declare any "foreign adversary-controlled applications" that are deemed as a significant national security threat to the US. This feels quite a bit like a slippery slope, sure, banning TikTok might be reasonable, but what if in the future the US decides to ban another social media in the name of national security when it’s more about ideology per se. There’s also the issue of whether you’re okay with ALL future presidents having this power. I’m not defending TikTok, but come on, banning something won’t actually stop TikTok, VPN’s exist. What would actually have not perfect, but some real effect is if the US would adopt strong privacy and data laws like the EU’s GDPR - this would rein in TikTok, and all tech companies, because let’s be real, they’re all evil and vying to sell our data, Meta has been accused of election interference y’know. The current solution IMO leads to some real issues in the future.

TikTok is being banned in the US.

Start celebrating, this might take a bit of a hit on their platform - I get some people just wanna use it, but you cannot deny it’s also a partial cause of a lot of brainrot.

The issue is that apparently TikTok is granting people in the US a huge “Please vote to not ban us” thing. I mean, they even pull bullshit:

"Destroy the livelihoods of countless creators across the country"

Lmao no it won’t, you pay like $20-50 (or $0.04 - Unable to find a source but those are the most common ratios I’ve seen) per 1 million views; Practically lower than my will to live, atleast higher than minimum wage I guess? Meh, I digress. So they are also lying in their own vote to not be banned! How trustworthy!

Plus they (the creators) can just switch platforms and announce that they are moving, sure, they may lose a lot of their fanbase, but atleast they’re moving away from that garbage.

Mar 7, 2024, 9:28 PM
6 1 9

They’re framed now!


Made these posters for Mother's Day to replace some old photos my mum doesn’t like any more (based on my design Day & Night, which you may have seen in the past.

Mar 12, 2024, 11:46 PM
13 0 2