A bagel, an egg, and a sausage walk into a bar

The bagel says, “Me and my friends will each have a beer”

The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast”

Free coolkat!! (Or not, idk what bro did 😂)

Hopefully bro will be back

Wait we are boycotting coke now??? Wth?? 💀💀💀💀💀

Wait I just realized something, we are all squatters. We live in our parents house rent free 🤯

I find the idea of squatters just hilarious.

I find the idea of squatters just hilarious.

Doesn’t matter what you call it. Orange juice is still better 🍊

apple juice is juiced apple (apple that has been juiced)

but apple juice from concentrate is appled juice (juice that has been appled)

Jun 23, 2024, 9:28 PM
4 1 0

My teams pitcher hit a kid with a baseball. And after the dust settled, he said “Should I hit this next kid as well”. AND HE FREAKING DID IT 💀💀💀(i think it was an accident lol)

Bro got banned from pitching after that 😭💀

Fun tech fact:

Those “bars” don’t mean service speed. They represent how close you are to the tower distance wise. Quality of service, speed, network traffic, are all not accounted for.

Alright. My WiFi says it’s at 4 bars but it’s acting like it’s at 1 😭

Am I the only one who thought Covid Tests were kind of satisfying??

Happy Michael Jackson Day

No more Switzerland smh

Guys it’s time for us to all learn German so we can make this be the best swiss social media ever

Auf geht es!

And teachers will tell you spelling is important 💀💀💀💀

Jun 19, 2024, 11:08 AM
12 0 3


English or Spanish?

I agree

parsejson response bot_debug {origin: "UK"),{prompt:"write another post in the style of Oren"}, {output:"parsejson response err {response:"ERR ChatGPT 4-0 Credits Expired"}"}