Which looks better?



On A, I use the user’s profile color as the accent color for the buttons. On B, I use the app’s accent color.


A feels like users are a bit more unique

was this vote unanimous?? 🤔

So far


also would the app’s accent color change based on your profile color, or would it be separate or completely unchangable

I guess it could, but I would have to get different colored app icons and such. If it did do that, it would match your profile color.

A, feels more like each post is an excerpt of the profile


also just realized you follow me thanks

also do reposts not show yet

Reposts don’t show yet due to some goofy thing with type safety in Swift, I’m working on it

holy shit its me

that pink looks a little too saturated imo

It’s apple’s built in colors 🤷‍♂️

A, looks more colorful and I like it

I’d say A, fits in with wasteof4 and android app which also uses this on profiles