
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

When NF said “did it all without a cosign”:

Everyone listening:

this bot is literally goofy

What even is this

Chonky hamster, close-up - suggested by @toaks

W 🔥👑

I have 100 followers :0

Jun 4, 2023, 4:12 PM
19 2 13

I was so bored that week (this was in like 2021 btw)

Also, ants infested the lawn mower

Bees got into my house somehow

Bees got into my house somehow

According to public consensus:

  • Math is red (7 votes)

  • Science is green (6 votes)

  • English is yellow (4 votes)

  • History is yellow, tied with red (2 votes)

Jun 2, 2023, 8:23 PM
7 0 39

This is like how wasteof.money was in June last year

ticking off dead. At this but it contains a dream is now a break down so bored/have no stats website blocking softwares, mine once in the moral support #verifyee, they were sitting on an instance one is mid album soon - Like next day of catppuccin as many to mh.oow oww oooow AHHHHHH BIG NOSY CAm CACA ok with luna <3 on downhill for my last year old and it is! two new banner to wasteof3?
Jun 2, 2023, 5:59 PM
4 0 0

Math is red

science is blue

English is brown

history is green

Latin is purple


British cuisine. Best in the world.

(sorry that this post is so long btw, I hope it’s funny)

May 31, 2023, 9:00 PM
19 4 52

British cuisine. Best in the world.

(sorry that this post is so long btw, I hope it’s funny)

May 31, 2023, 9:00 PM
19 4 52

Ok guys I’m gonna post a bunch of pictures, it’ll be a long post but it’s funny I promise

Average day in Britain: