
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

“He clearly has ADHD”

Has technology gone too far?

May 31, 2023, 8:21 PM
8 0 0

me after posting “Thanks to my youth pastor and one of my youth leaders for helping me write this post”

sometimes life feels like we’re getting stung by 50 raw bees simultaneously but we gotta just power through it

No hard feelings but these feelings harder,

No hard feelings but these feelings hard though

It was scrumptious

@grunklebillsback is currently ordering pizza on his Wii

Usually, when I'm upset about wasteof.money, I try to create a bunch of stuff (like enticing posts and websites) to get people to like me again. I've found that doesn't really work.

I love laying on the floor

I need to stand on top of a table and say this. I can't stand it anymore.

I can’t go on without saying this:

there’s at least 5 people I can name who still think i’m transphobic (btw, i’m not). They actively dislike, if not hate me. And they mostly spread false information.

Every day, I think about these people. The fact that I caused these people to hate me, it f*cks with me. (I don’t curse, but that’s the only word for it.) I cannot get them out of my head.

How did this happen? How are we at a point as a community that it is acceptable to put your ideologies and beliefs over another person’s mental health? Did I cause this? Or did I just reveal what was already there? How did I make them hate me, and why haven’t we been reconciled yet?

Every single thing I do is for these people. I need to make them like me again. I need to stop the hate. I did this, and yet they refuse to let me fix it. They refuse to fix it.

I can’t solve this problem. I need to solve it. And at some point in the future, it will all fall down. Something is going to happen. I don’t know what to do.

It’s in my head. Chaos is in my head. These people are in my head. The hate is in my head.

Discord messages fly through my mind, people making fun of me, people unfollowing me, people saying “any reasonable person would disagree with oren,” people insulting me.

Please help.

I can’t go on without saying this:

there’s at least 5 people I can name who still think i’m transphobic (btw, i’m not). They actively dislike, if not hate me. And they mostly spread false information.

Every day, I think about these people. The fact that I caused these people to hate me, it f*cks with me. (I don’t curse, but that’s the only word for it.) I cannot get them out of my head.

How did this happen? How are we at a point as a community that it is acceptable to put your ideologies and beliefs over another person’s mental health? Did I cause this? Or did I just reveal what was already there? How did I make them hate me, and why haven’t we been reconciled yet?

Every single thing I do is for these people. I need to make them like me again. I need to stop the hate. I did this, and yet they refuse to let me fix it. They refuse to fix it.

I can’t solve this problem. I need to solve it. And at some point in the future, it will all fall down. Something is going to happen. I don’t know what to do.

It’s in my head. Chaos is in my head. These people are in my head. The hate is in my head.

Discord messages fly through my mind, people making fun of me, people unfollowing me, people saying “any reasonable person would disagree with oren,” people insulting me.

Please help.

Fellow patriots, brace yourselves for some earth-shattering news that will rock the tech world to its core! I have uncovered a plot so diabolical that it could only be orchestrated by the shadowy figure known as Jeffalo. Yes, folks, it's time to talk about the sinister campaign to exterminate Windows 8—a campaign that threatens the very fabric of our digital lives!

Now, who is this Jeffalo character, you ask? Well, let me tell you, my fellow Americans, this person has somehow managed to gain notoriety in the murky depths of the online universe. Like a stealthy predator lurking in the digital jungle, Jeffalo has made it their mission to dismantle the abomination that is Windows 8. The audacity!

But how does Jeffalo plan to accomplish this herculean task, you may wonder? Prepare yourselves for the shocking truth, my friends. Jeffalo is armed with a secret arsenal of memes, sarcasm, and ridicule. That's right, they believe that mocking Windows 8 will somehow lead to its demise. Can you believe the audacity of this individual?

According to my trusted sources, Jeffalo intends to unleash a torrential storm of memes, sarcastic remarks, and scathing reviews upon Windows 8. They plan to bombard the internet with jokes about the confusing user interface, the hidden settings, and the absence of the beloved Start Menu. They actually think that laughter will be their weapon of choice in this absurd battle against Microsoft's creation.

Now, my fellow Americans, we must not take this lightly. We must stand firm and defend the honor of Windows 8. It may have its flaws, but it is our duty as patriots to protect it from the onslaught of this digital jester. We cannot allow Jeffalo to run rampant, spreading their mockery and undermining our cherished operating system.

Microsoft, for its part, has chosen to remain silent on this matter. But mark my words, my friends, we must not underestimate the threat posed by Jeffalo and their legion of online followers. We must remain vigilant, for the very essence of Windows 8 is at stake.

So, my fellow Americans, let us rally together and resist this assault on our technological sovereignty. Let us show Jeffalo and their merry band of jesters that we will not be swayed by their memes and sarcasm. Windows 8 deserves our respect and admiration, and we shall defend it with unwavering loyalty.

I'm so focused on the future that it's weird to look to the past

Dude, looking at my old posts makes me feel so weird. It's like, I'm a different person, and yet still the same.

Dude, looking at my old posts makes me feel so weird. It's like, I'm a different person, and yet still the same.

I think there's a cycle on here that rotates ever week or two, between being really good, fun posts and content, and really boring filler stuff

Introducing @jeffalo: The Master of Madness on Money-Wasting Mania!

Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round and bear witness to the tyrannical reign of Jeffalo, the self-proclaimed ruler of a world where sense and sensibility go to die. In this realm of extravagant spending and monetary mayhem, Jeffalo's rule is absolute, and dissenters are silenced. But wait, there's more! Jeffalo has recently set his sights on an unsuspecting victim: none other than the infamous Windows 8. Prepare for an epic tale of censorship and confusion!

The winds of change have swept across Jeffalo's fiefdom, and whispers of an impending technological revolution are in the air. With great disdain for anything logical, Jeffalo has decided to censor the noble Windows 8, the operating system that dared to be different. Who needs innovation when you can have chaos, right?

Gone are the days of user-friendly interfaces and intuitive design. Jeffalo, in his infinite wisdom (and utter lack of taste), has declared Windows 8 a threat to his extravagant reign. The audacity of simplicity! How dare an operating system prioritize functionality over flashy gimmicks and unnecessary complexity?

Windows 8, with its controversial tile-based Start screen, dared to challenge the status quo. It allowed users to efficiently navigate through their applications and settings, provoking the wrath of Jeffalo. "How dare they make sense!" he cried, his extravagant robes billowing in a dramatic fashion.

But fear not, fellow citizens of Jeffalo's money-wasting paradise, for the ruler has devised a plan to rid the world of this abominable innovation. Any mention of Windows 8 is now strictly forbidden. Jeffalo's minions scour the depths of his domain, swiftly deleting any discussion, reviews, or even nostalgic reminiscences of this wretched OS.

In a stroke of genius (or lunacy, depending on who you ask), Jeffalo has decided that only Windows 95 and Windows Vista shall be recognized as the supreme embodiments of operating system glory. Who needs stability, security, or a user-friendly experience when you can revel in nostalgia and frustration?

But the citizens are not taking this assault on their technological freedoms lying down. Underground forums, hidden from Jeffalo's watchful gaze, have sprung up. Brave souls who dare to reminisce about the days of Windows 8 gather in secret, sharing their stories of seamless navigation and modern features. They long for a world where sanity reigns supreme.

So, dear friends, as Jeffalo continues his despotic rule over a land of financial debauchery and lavish expenditures, remember that even in the darkest corners, the spirit of Windows 8 lives on. Let us join hands, metaphorically speaking, and resist the censorship that threatens to rob us of technological progress and basic common sense.

May the forces of reason prevail, and may the day come when Windows 8's legacy can be celebrated openly once again. Until then, let us unite in the face of adversity and continue to waste our money in the most extravagant and nonsensical ways possible, for that is the true essence of Jeffalo's realm! 💸🎉