
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

somehow, my post about politics didn’t get out of hand?? how is this possible??

been having so many intelligent, well-educated, respectful conversations on wasteofmoney lately - am i on the right website???? since when was constructive conversation so commonplace??

I’m about to do this as well (also it won’t be a waste)

just spent thousands of dollars (maybe not a waste?)

I think about housing a lot, and I’d love to make a housing company that combines the work of James Turrell, Kanye West, and my own style with statistical data about how people want to live. It would produce modular housing that would be substantially cheaper than current prices, for the same amount and quality of space. It’s crazy to me that even in 2023, houses are still made by hand on site. Imagine if cars were like that!

Also, such a company would make complete towns, not just houses, for the best quality of living. Lots of nature around the houses, each would be very secluded, but they would also be walking-distance from stuff like gyms, convenience stores, and such.

This is what I mean by posting all of my thoughts

James Turrell is the best non-musical artist of all time

May 8, 2023, 7:56 PM
5 1 7

James Turrell is the best non-musical artist of all time

May 8, 2023, 7:56 PM
5 1 7

I’m thinking about finishing off the attic in my house. We’d get a 3rd floor. It would also add quite a bit to the home value. Should I try to do it this summer, or would it be too much work?

Let’s go boys, free food!

i’m honored that u appreciate my mind-state. this is 1 of the greatest joys ive ever experienced. to celebrate our friendship, i’d like to invite everyone on waste of money to go out to olive garden for dinner tonight. im paying.

breadsticks for all!!

case and point

u may think im a parody or funnny account but im actulally real i promise im just acting funni rn

Should I start posting everything I think about?

This is a taste of what I think about on a daily basis. I never tell anyone because it's kinda weird for a 15 year old to talk about stuff like housing and the economy

They need to focus on fixing the economy (no more inflation, ever), cutting spending and making the government more efficient and maybe even cutting taxes, increasing freedom and transparency, and giving people a say in decisions (more than only in elections). Of course, this would never happen without a really good leader.

Very, very few politicians actually care about what's good for the country. They only care about getting re-elected

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

They need to focus on fixing the economy (no more inflation, ever), cutting spending and making the government more efficient and maybe even cutting taxes, increasing freedom and transparency, and giving people a say in decisions (more than only in elections). Of course, this would never happen without a really good leader.

Very, very few politicians actually care about what's good for the country. They only care about getting re-elected

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

Very, very few politicians actually care about what's good for the country. They only care about getting re-elected

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

Independent fact checkers say this is false

Food hot take 5: Spice isn’t that great. It doesn’t have a flavour and it just overpowers the actual flavour of other stuff.

This is why buffalo sauce sucks.

Jaden Williams is the best Youtube shorts channel ever (and TikTok, but I don’t use TikTok)


we got two trophies, rocket league and super smash bros

(we made history!)


honestly, I don’t do very much. Like, I could take on a lot of work and responsibilities right now. I just don’t, because i’m super lazy