
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

I know but it’s literally supposed to be a joke

This is literally what always happens whenever I try to do something on wasteof.money. Someone hates me.

I’m not saying that, I’m saying that what your saying makes you sound like some goober who thinks that military superiority is the answer to everything. The US has a lot of big problems, there are things that are good about the country, but it’s undeniable that it has a lot of glaring issues. Responding to “your country kinda sucks“ with “we could kill you“ is just flat out barbaric.

bro literally thinks bunkers are gonna hold up against nukes

bro’s really declaring war on another country because they made fun of your’s

bro literally thinks bunkers are gonna hold up against nukes

bro’s really declaring war on another country because they made fun of your’s

Yeah guys

Fun Fact : Low engagement on posts lead to the creator feeling bad and wanting to quit.

I love it when I have nothing to do so i stare at the homescreen and pretend to be busy

thinking about the word “ewe”

(808s and heartbreak reference)

Guys lets start a trend: whenever you see an unattended computer, open a picture of a dime in fullscreen. Do it

That's what I always do!

shower before bed >>>>>>

Florida man


Mark my words: this is a bad move if they actually do it

They might arrest Trump next week

Mar 18, 2023, 10:22 PM
5 2 0

Mark my words: this is a bad move if they actually do it

They might arrest Trump next week

They might arrest Trump next week