
professional dingus

the government’s putting capitalism in the water to turn the friggin frogs gay

idk what they put in the water during black friday but there's a weird phenomenon where people get the sudden urge to buy a 50 inch tv that they don't need

starting to get super fed up with how often i’m getting sick

this is the third time in a 2-month span

idk what the problem is either, i’m eating healthy and staying active, i’m getting enough sleep, i’m not any more stressed than normal, idk what could be causing this

it’s different symptoms every time too, so it’s not the same illness just rearing its head every once in a while

I think my immune system is just bad and the weather changing is messing with me or something idk

i’m just getting tired of feeling awful every 3-8 weeks

is it sad that I felt genuinely touched by this even though I know it’s just a quote from the bee movie

We're very proud of you, son.

this is so eye-opening

if you google translate this post you’ll realize that 你刚才输了游戏

me when the bee movie puts a sex reference in a children’s film

I can't explain it. It was all... All adrenaline and then...and then ecstasy!
Oct 18, 2023, 5:24 PM
11 0 0

man I have been slacking off on weekends so far this semester and I gotta not do that bc it’s forcing me to stay up later scrambling to get stuff done which is not very fun bc now i’m hella eepy

can confirm

my family drove through nebraska on our way to see the solar eclipse in Wyoming back in 2017, we spent the entire 6 hours on the same state highway and saw nothing but soybeans and only passed one other car during that span

i swear nebraska is basically the beige of the united states like nothing goes on there

using hammy as shorthand for hamstring is great bc it makes official sports headlines way funnier

Sportsball McDunderson has partially torn hammy, MRI confirms

McDunderson seeks second opinion on hammy

McDunderson: Hammy ‘Feels great’ after surgery

McDunderson cleared to play after devastating hammy injury

i know it’d be a monumental undertaking but wouldn’t it be funny if this got 1000 likes so he could recreate the The Proclaimers song

for every like that this post gets i will walk one mile (seriously)

did it again this evening and saw a possum and a shooting star, gonna try and make this a weekly routine

nothing like walking across campus at 1:45am but intentionally talking the long way back to my dorm so i can appreciate the quiet beauty of the night (and take photos for photography class in the process)

my friends and I just had a fascinating discussion about whether or not my pants are real according to United States property law

the answer is only yes if they were to be embedded into the cement foundations of my house

should they be removed from the foundations, they would no longer be real

Oct 5, 2023, 12:47 AM
8 0 0

Auriali puts the sexy in dyslexia

Happy Dyslexia Awareness Week to my fellow Dyslexians™ who rely on spell check to make their sentences make even a lick of sense and have a minor panic to themselves when it says “no suggestions” because you’ve spelt a word so horribly that it can’t even understand what in the world you were trying to say.

Oct 4, 2023, 6:10 PM
20 1 0

the album is over 18 years old so technically it should be called Adult A

On 2nd of October 2000, my favourite album ever made was released. You probably already know what it is, Kid A by Radiohead. The album means a lot to me and has got me through a lot, which is why I love it so much. Not just that but it is genuinely a beautiful, powerful and well paced album. Happy 23rd birthday, Kid A! 🥳🎈🎉

nothing like walking across campus at 1:45am but intentionally talking the long way back to my dorm so i can appreciate the quiet beauty of the night (and take photos for photography class in the process)