
H iHi hih ihihhi hi hihiH IhH IhI HiH ih IihI Hhh iIIHIH iHIIHIhi IHIIh IIHi II iII III IIi H Hh IHh IH IH HIHIH hiIHI IIH HIHI HIH hIH h HI!

I just added some galvanized square steel and some of my aunt’s extension screws to my room. #Blessed #FeelinGood #DoNotLookInsideMyBasement #Hashtag #Lit #VerifyOren #StandWithYada #PewDiePie #MrBeast #MrBeastGaming #WasteOfMoney #Jeffalo #Jeffalonet #Nezon #Wom #JanuaryFourteenthNineteenSeventySix #GalvanizedSquareSteel

Imagine a wom minecraft server


please help me the ios app makes me type in reverse sometimes

AR 3664 on a Setting Sun

It was larger than the Earth. It was so big you could actually see it on the Sun's surface without magnification. It contained powerful and tangled magnetic fields as well as numerous dark sunspots. Labelled AR 3664, it developed into one of the most energetic areas seen on the Sun in recent years, unleashing a series of explosions that led to a surge of energetic particles striking the Earth, which created beautiful auroras. And might continue. Although active regions on the Sun like AR 3664 can be quite dangerous, this region's Coronal Mass Ejections have not done, as yet, much damage to Earth-orbiting satellites or Earth-surface electrical grids. Pictured, the enormous active region was captured on the setting Sun a few days ago from Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy. The composite image includes a very short exposure taken of just the Sun's surface, but mimics what was actually visible. Finally, AR 3664 is now rotating away from the Earth, although the region may survive long enough to come around again.

wasteof post links remind me of minecraft uuids

Sir, I won’t tell you again. Take off the big gloves!

i’m covered in foam dawg

Does anybody know what happened At

good morning my wommers my womsicles my womtatoes my womb my womp womps

guys i have been hearing some stuff about very problematic user… keep yourselves safe and on the lookout <3 <3 prayers xOxO Salad

Is it ok to name an hampter “unibyhghuyoiuhjklmkunibyhghuyoiuhjklmkäåé®þüúíóö”

thank you for bein a frieeeeeeeeeeend

travel up and down the road again

your heart is true

you’re a pal and a confidaaaaaant

œugh my pkcell