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why is la 3e only solfège 3at doesn’t mean any3ing outside 3e context of solfège

kijetekitekite jetesansantejesan tesantatetateta santakakatasanka takijetesantaka kajetesentakalu lutesentokaluki lulokasanlutakitateki

(sen = F#, to = G#, lo = Bb)


tetesanta tasanteje kikijete teje

tetesanta tasanteje kikijete jeki

jejeteki jetesanteki jetesanteki kijeta

tetesanta tasanteje kikijete jeki


does „bimonthly“ mean „twice per month“, or „once per every other month“?

peter isotalo

hey do you want a pint of mercury

it seems that wasteof.money is turning into a shitshow (good)


why do so many conservatives worship 3e declaration of independence as if it were a religious document but act like 3ey’ve never read it

Mar 4, 2024, 1:13 AM
1 0 0

no notes, 3is is just a true statement

why do so many people 3ink „dumb“ is a synonym of „stupid“

calling 3e people’s republic of china „west taiwan“ and 3e state of israel „zionia“