
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

rufus xavier sarsparilla

„It Seems Friendship For Some Humans Is A Basic Aggregation Of Shallow And Insincere Hostilities“

hey why do you get to love cat but i only get to like cat D:<

i love cat! do you like cat?

me refreshing my own website is the digital equivalent of opening the fridge expecting something to be different


7h3 qu1ck 820wn f0x jump5 0v32 7h3 142y d06

march the fourth be with you

3is is a certified classic

Kids are much more accepting of other people than adults are.

grammarians will say 3at you can’t have a plural pronoun when referring to a singular antecedent, but ime, it sounds weird when you have a gendered pronoun referring to an ungendered antecedent

absurdism is hilarious and fun

holy heck

english used to have two lowercase S’s

but so does modern greek 🤯

(i’ve known bo3 of 3ese facts for a while, but only just now realized 3e correlation)

Mar 4, 2024, 3:56 PM
2 0 0

„gnerg“ -@/burrito, circa 2023