
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

jhona damns

georg washsington

I am guilty of this.

we’re so terrified of our own thoughts that we drown them out whenever we can.

music or videos or podcasts or tv or social media or other content.

like when was the last time you didn’t have any external stimulation of any kind. like just lost in your own thoughts? probably in the shower, and then you’re back to stimulation 24/7. surely thats a problem???

just a thought

Nov 28, 2023, 6:11 PM
27 6 17

For a long time for me, René Descartes’s first principle, I think, therefore I am, was something that I heard people say, but never really understood, so remember that if you have the capacity to question your existence, you exist :)

feelin existential (~yay~)

I know the teletubbies’ names now.

can you elaborate? is it that you think gasoline smells good? or that you think the answer is irrelevant.

this is almost like saying gasoline smells bad. you'd be technically correct, but you're still wrong.

rain smells bad :(


that isn’t very skibidi of you

shutting down this site

skibidi ohio gyatt rizz bing chilling in ohio

Nov 27, 2023, 4:45 PM
2 0 0

A human can detect a movement through 5 centimeters of earth

An ant can detect a movement through 5 centimeters of earth

what did you expect?

do not repost this

if you asked me what the sequence of letters ⟨sona⟩ means, I would probably say knowledge, and it has only just now come to my attention that many people would default to it meaning “persona“ without any context stating otherwise

Nov 25, 2023, 9:46 AM
2 0 1

pancakes with cream and berries > > > mass genocide

I think its kinda funny recognize the name “Ripta Pasay“ from the ending of Artifexian videos

yesterday I remembered a show that I used to watch called animal mechanicals

me replying fr to a comment bc here is not option to like comments


trust me, do NOT have stomach on an empty coffee

trust me, do NOT have coffee on an empty stomach