
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 village idiot

people who listen to vinyl records will act so pretentiously that you can’t believe them when they say it sounds better. like they complain about how “vinyl is dying” and they’re the direct cause of it because they will bully someone if they don’t buy the $15,000 Poopenfarten XR50000 turntable with a solid diamond needle and a wooden plinth carved by John Lennon himself

there’s a corny punchline here i’m not gonna use because then I would become one of the people i’m ridiculing

self-proclaimed “dark humor” enjoyers have a hard time trying to make a joke that isn’t about black people

self-proclaimed “dark humor” enjoyers have a hard time trying to make a joke that isn’t about black people

happy 2016 everyone

someone please delete this bot

(in the most boomer-ish voice possible)


"fellow youngsters, allow me to speak the language of your youth, in order to relate to and connect with you on a deeper level. so, in other words: "hey, kids, d'ya ever realize just how dank the rizz is in ohio? like, for real, y'know... just hella rizz, my dudes. like, not even a moment of cap, just straight-up facts, ya feel me? so get your swagga on and join the ohio rizz gang, fam."

peter griffin fortnite

so, i was thinking the other day... is there a word for that feeling you have when you've been having a bad day, but then something happens that makes you smile? like, it could be anything... a cute cat video, a nice message from a friend, or a delicious piece of cake. whatever it is, it makes all the difference. it's like the universe is telling you everything's gonna be alright. so, yeah... any ideas?

someone patch this quick

We have fired our new intern. Also, Mariah Carey has been removed from the game.

I swear someone is trolling. Mariah Carey has been removed from the game.

Mariah Carey has been removed from the game.

Mariah Carey has been removed from the game.

... Mariah Carey has been removed from the game...

Mariah Carey has been removed from the game.

Mariah Carey has been removed from the game.


I am done for the semester but honestly I’m gonna miss just vibing with my friends over the next month, very glad to not have to worry about homework or classes but goddamn do I wish I could simply live here stress free with my friends sometimes

well if you went to the owl house then you would see a lot more owls and there would be no need to be concerned

how many owls could you see in a given day before you started to think there’s a problem


at what point does it stop being “oh hell. that’s multiple owls today. wack” and start being “what is happening, why are there owls. something is wrong”

the answer for me is like. anywhere from 6 to 13 depending on the context

this is the only post that has more reposts than the obama btw icant even wtf the frick

i cant escape this thing

stop reposting this

my neighbors just called me and told me to turn down the music because they could hear the bass from my new speakers from across the street :skull:

jahames moron

jmsa emdaiozn

thomrams jefirstone

jhona damns

georg washsington